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  1. J

    29 g planted for sale

    With the arrival of the dog, need to sell one tank, no time for it all. :roll: 29g planted mature tank for sale, sand, plants grow like weed. Pair of angels lay eggs every 3 weeks on the button. Fish as per signature. East GTA, Ontario. E-mail if interested, photos available...
  2. J

    all angelfish fry dead (8 days from hatching)

    I had 10 angelfish fry in 1 litre container floating in the tank. 3 days after they were free swimming they all died (same evening) I changed 80% of water in the container every day, water taken the main tank (planted). I suspect that the food was the problem. So here is the question: Is...
  3. J

    All out angelfish war in the tank!!!!

    Yesterday a pair of angels laid eggs on giant val leaf. This is in the center of the tank. Today the other pair is just laying eggs in the same tank. The spot they choose is less than a foot away from the other cluster of eggs. There is a lot of chasing and display of aggression from both the...
  4. J

    Calling all ich gurus again......

    More than 4 week ago I saw three white spots on the tail fin of one of my angels. I did not panic and did not put any meds in, I was not sure if it was ich, but it looked like it. In the mean time this angel spawned. The same 3 spots are still on his tail, after nmore then 4 weeks. 2 weeks ago...
  5. J

    S.A.E. with Otos and angels

    I bought 2 SAE,(Crossocheilus Siamensis) to help my 9 Otos in 55g planted keep the algae under control. I have red that SAE is restless fish. So, considering angelfish in my 55g, Should I put 2 of SAE in the tank or just one? Would one harass other fish less then 2 of them or 2 of them will keep...
  6. J

    Emerald catfish, sinks like a rock to the bottom

    I am at the end of temp treatment for ich with the addition of nox ich (malachite green) When I noticed that one of mine emerald brochis has lost buoyancy and struggles to get up to the surface for a gasp of air. It maybe looks a bit skinny, and he breathes much faster than others. Stopped...
  7. J

    Adcisco, I share your pain - and call it quits too

    also not totally. I am in 10th day of heat treatment for ich and my THIRD bach of white spots just showed up on my two sick pearl gouramis. Funny, clown loaches are not affected. So, I gave up and poured in a half a dose of nox ich. But I am keeping the temp up. I have maybe 6 to 8 spots...
  8. J

    Warning!!! Metal in sand !!! (Iron ore??)

    :( Warning I dropped my magnet on the sand cleaning glass in my 29gal and GUESS WHAT???! When I got it out to clean it there was a lot of particles on it. Magnetized!! I run the magnet though the original sand bag I still have and the same kind of particles were on the magnet. NOW WHAT?? This is...
  9. J

    lead in the tank

    Is it dangerous for fish? Can I keep weight lead the plants came with from the store without dissolving heavy metal in the water? I would like to keep it to weight down floating plant.
  10. J

    Rid ick (+) or nox ick?

    which is better for well planted tank? Or any other better ones that you had a good experience with? effectiveness and scope of disease it can cure is the key.
  11. J

    clown loach, white mucus all over

    I noticed that one of my two clown loaches lost colors and is covered with whitish mucus. Maybe it is not mucus but some sort of severe discoloration. He was still eating and was quite active but you could tell it is not the same active loach. The other loach is fine, color lines are sharp, no...
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