S.A.E. with Otos and angels

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 8, 2003
GTA, Ontario Canada
I bought 2 SAE,(Crossocheilus Siamensis) to help my 9 Otos in 55g planted keep the algae under control.
I have red that SAE is restless fish.
So, considering angelfish in my 55g,
Should I put 2 of SAE in the tank or just one? Would one harass other fish less then 2 of them or 2 of them will keep themselves occupy better? I suppose once they are in, I will never catch them in heavily planted tank.
Lots of algae, this is why I am adding them.
I am also adding 6 Otos to my 29g, to a total of 11 Otos in 29g, if I am to add two SAE in 55g. Or I can add one SAE into each tank with 3 new Otos.
Current cleaning force is not adequate. Otos eat a lot, but do not have scrubbing power, too small for that.
I have had SAE in with angels and if you can put two in the 55 that is what I would do. They stay somewhat behind the scenes and are busy, but busy doing what they do best and not busy zipping around in the open water to bother the angels.
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