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    Probably a random question. Does the trim on the bottom and tops of tanks have a structural purpose?
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    Tanks falling from the sky.... (Idea request)

    I've had my 55gal up and running for about a year. We've been thinking of getting another one, nothing to serious, just playing with the idea. I am ok with this...when it's time the inspiration will come right? So last friday I'm drinking with a bunch of people from work and suddenly I hear...
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    Ack! I've converted him and he want's discus!

    So apparently I never had to worry that my SO would give me a hard time about the aquariums: firesign :hee hee hee hee bebbies: umberle: lol nifty huh? firesign: yes, they really are that's an awesome picture despite its low-res umberle: yup...
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    Rasbora Agression?

    I had 3 harlequin rasboras...and then I added 3 more to make a school of 6 since I know that they like to school. This morning one was missing and now the three original rasboras are staring down the two new ones who are hiding in a cornor behind a decoration. All five of them are being very...
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    rainbow fish...breeding?

    I just got a tank and among other things it came with two rainbow fish. I haven't yet figured out what kind of rainbow fish or, in fact, if they are even of the same type. One, however, is very sleek and brightly colored and the other is a little more subdued in colored and pretty round in the...
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    Dilema of massive proportions!!! Help!

    I've been planning to get a ~30gal tank to restart my obsession. This seems reasonable to me. I had a 20 so I know about how big it is. I bought the 20 new but I thought I'd look at craigslist and see what there was. There are 20s and 30s floating around. There are also 75s, 95s, and 100+...
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    I'm back...LOL

    After a somewhat long and tragic break, I have returned...or rather the bug bit me again. I left because my fiancee and I broke up and I had to move out rapidly. Downside, I had to tear down the tank. Upside, I found a new parent for my fishies who's taken very good care of them and as done...
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    Are harlequin rasboras the same as rasbora hets? I thought they were but now that I have them home I'm not so sure. The ones I have have almost no pinkishness but they are very small and could color up as they get larger...if they get larger. BTW, I love them anyway :wink: They are so...
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    Has anyone heard of a flame gourami? can't find it on fishprofiles.
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    I did a bad thing...sortof

    I went to the fish store to get my rasboras but the rasboras looked not good and the fish guy said that they had the whole tank under quarantine. (btw, I like this place, they have a set up where they can isolate tanks without moving them...kinda spiffy) Anyway, since the rasboras looked ill...
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    Finally got to set up my new tank :D weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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    fishy suggestions?

    I'm in the process of setting up my new tank :D It's a 20 gal tall and will be moderately to heavily planted although it's going to take a while for the plants to take off because I'm going the low light route for now. Originally I was just going to have a livebearer tank but I'm...
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    leveling question

    So have my tank (20gal) Have my stand.... have a carpetted floor :? how long do I need to leave the tank full of water before I know whether or not it's going to level out . Right now there is a definate lean, but there's quite a bit of spring to the carpet. there's also about 2-3 inches...
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    LFS, ich, and *grumble*

    There's a new LFS that just opened up about a mile away from where I live. I popped in the other day to look at stands and while I was there took a gander at the fish. Aside from being overcrowed they looked fine. Everything was clean, no obviously sick fish, etc. While I was there, I...
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    sick platie

    le sigh... this morning my male platie was fine and tonight he's laying on his side on the bottom of the tank. He is still alive but he seems to be mostly paralized. He can twitch his tail a little and he still responds to tank tapping and switching the light on. Tested the water and it...
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    Are they sleeping or are they trained?

    It used to be that when I would feed my two little platies I'd turn on the light and they'd shoot to the top of the tank ready to eat. But since starting grad school I spend a lot more time at my desk which means I spend a lot more time vacently watching my fish with the tank light on. With in...
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    Platties are opportunistic snail eaters

    As a point of interest, my two little platties have eaten the right eyestalk, and greater feeler off my black apple snail. I'm not entirely sure but I think they got part of his breather tube too and since he's a he probably his sexual bits as well *ouch*. They've also pecked a good part of...
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    Is it worth planting a 20 gal?

    I'm finally going to be responsible and move my two crowded platties out of the 2 gal they are in and I've settled on a 20 gal as my next reasonable step since well....I'm in grad school. After doing some research it seems platties tend to be happier in planted tanks but ze plants all seem to...
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    Fishy Fins

    After curing something like fin rot or what have you, do the fins ever recover and become whole again? Just curious.
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    Platies update

    Ich all gone. yay!!!!! lost one of the ffemales though. I think it was a cross between the Ich and high ammonia levels (stitll trying to get the tank to cycle) that did her in. Ok, so new problem. The male has started going grey towards the tale. His fins are a bit ragged but I think that...
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    Random question

    What's with the 'kudos' ? I don't get it....I'm such a noob :oops:
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    platies with ich

    So, my red wagtail platies have ich... or at least I'm pretty sure they do. Going on a chemical run in the morning. Planning to get salt and...? What do you guys suggest specifically for treating ich?
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    Newbie in Atlanta

    Heyo, just started up a 2 gal tank a couple of weeks ago. Started out with three benighted goldfish that I won at a carnival. They all died pretty quickly of something that caused complete paralyzation 8O Not at all pleasant to watch but I wasn't too surprised given the source. After...
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