I did a bad thing...sortof

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 24, 2004
I went to the fish store to get my rasboras but the rasboras looked not good and the fish guy said that they had the whole tank under quarantine. (btw, I like this place, they have a set up where they can isolate tanks without moving them...kinda spiffy) Anyway, since the rasboras looked ill, I went ahead and got the two dwarf gourami :D

Here's where the bad comes in....

As good as they are generally, somebody at the store really seems to dislike bettas, or at least that's all I can figure. They had 7 bags floating in the plant tank, each with a betta in it. Of the 7, 5 were dead. Of the 5 dead ones, at least 3 had been dead long enough to start seriously decomposing. As far as I can tell the reason they died is simple starvation. It looks like no one opens the bags to feed them or change the water....at all. I had a moment of righteous indignation and bought one. The reason being that I had been thinking of getting one anyway. I forgot I'd been thinking either betta or gourami, not both. So oops, now I have both swimming around in my 20gal. I wonder, however, how long peace will reign supreme since they are both semi-aggressive and both bubblenesters....

So now I'm kinda stuck, I hope they get along but if they don't, I can temporarily put the betta in my little 2 gal. Ultimately I'd have to find a home for him because I'd rather have a close encounter with a skunk than take him back.

Incidently I think the betta has a crush on the female gourami.
umm...i had 2 DGs with a betta initially...the betta would chase one of the DGs around so much that i had to take him out...but again that was a 10g....
what i read was that bettas were more likely to be attacked by the DGs than the DGs being harassed by the betta...
however, in the end it all boils down to personality... :wink:
well the male DG is dead...in under 7 hours since going in. :? Not thrilling....not beaten up though either, so I think he just died :(
oops...sorry to hear that :( ...
probably was a weak guy...happens....don't worry...maybe was for the best...
now u r going to watch a rare case of interbreeding between the betta and the female DG...!!

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