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  1. Kuhli Loach

    Petting my weather loach

    Ok so ive had my weather loach for about 2 weeks and I can pet it when it skims along the surface of the water. Should I do this? He doesn't get scared or anything... Is it putting stress on him?
  2. Kuhli Loach

    Tank mates for kribensis pair???

    R these tankmates alright for a kribensis pair??? • swordtails • Kuhli loaches • weather loach • pleco • mollies • maybe a gourami or rainbow shark
  3. Kuhli Loach


    Oils I add one Kribensis to the tank in my sig as long as I watch him carefully???
  4. Kuhli Loach

    How in the....

    Alright so in my new 55 gal tank, a friend gave me a pictus cat. I told him when I find someone to sell It to ill give him the money since it's his fish. Today I couldn't find him, so I tore the tank apart trying to find him. I couldn't, then it hit me. Some strange way he could have gotten...
  5. Kuhli Loach

    Circle on dwarf gourami

    So before I fed um today I happen to look at my dwarf gourami in my 55 gal. I saw a oval-like shape on my gourami behind the head. What is it, what is causing it, how can I help?
  6. Kuhli Loach

    Long, yellow mucus coming out of snail

    Alright, so I got back from work today and there is this long yellow mucus coming out of the front of my snail. Is this bad???
  7. Kuhli Loach

    55 gal stocking???

    I'll these fish work in a 55 gal for now??? 2 dwarf gouramis 1 rainbow shark 1 pictus catfish 1 rhino pleco
  8. Kuhli Loach

    New 55 gal!!!!!!!!

    Alright, as some of you know I went to my LFS today! So I originally went for some danios, tetras and Kuhli loaches. But I walked in and a used 55 gallon aquarium caught my eye. So I brought that home and 1 Kuhli and 2 danios for my 30 gal. The new tank is cycling in my living room right now...
  9. Kuhli Loach

    Room in my tank???

    Do I have anymore room in my tank??? If so what fish should I get??? Cory Cats too much???
  10. Kuhli Loach

    Ghost Shrimp tank???

    What will I need for a 10 gal ghost shrimp tank???
  11. Kuhli Loach

    Kuhli in a clam!!!

    My Kuhli loach chillin in my clam ornament, what a beautiful Kuhli!
  12. Kuhli Loach

    Centerpeice fish pics! :D

    Post amazing pictures of your centerpiece or the most beautiful fish (or invert, eel) here!!! ;D
  13. Kuhli Loach

    Whats your favorite fish, invert or eel?

    Post your favorite fish, inverts and/or eel! :D
  14. Kuhli Loach

    New Fishies!!!

    Got a snakeskin gourami, a mystery snail and a leopard looking danio!!!
  15. Kuhli Loach

    My Fishies!

    Kuhli Loach, Opaline Gourami and Bristlenose Pleco AKA Batman
  16. Kuhli Loach

    Centerpeice fish

    What centerpiece fish do you suggest for a 30 gal tall with the fish in my signature???
  17. Kuhli Loach


    Could I add a angelfish into my 30 gal tall with 1 bristlenose P, 2 kuhlis, 1 opaline gourami, 1 zebra danio, and 1 Molly?
  18. Kuhli Loach

    New Fishies!!!

    Today I went to my LFS and got 1 opaline gourami, 2 new kuhlis, and a new dalmation Molly!!!!
  19. Kuhli Loach

    Good tank mates for platies???

    Hello, I am thinking about getting some platies for my 30 gal tank. I would like them to go with 6 Kuhli loaches, 4 zebra danios, 1 blue gourami, 1 bristlenose pleco and a couple shrimp.
  20. Kuhli Loach

    Invertebrates for 30 gallon tall aquarium???

    What invertibraes can live with zebra danios, Kuhli loaches, gouramis, plecos and some tetras in a 30 gallon tall tank???
  21. Kuhli Loach

    Juvie BN pleco not eating???

    Ok, so I got a very small BN pleco at my LFS on Sat. And all he is doing is sticking to the walls. I put a algae wafer in there and he hasn't touched it (as far as I know)... Ammonia 0 Nitrates and Nitrites 0
  22. Kuhli Loach

    Juvie BN pleco not eating???

    Ok, so I got a very small BN pleco at my LFS on Sat. And all he is doing is sticking to the walls. I put a algae wafer in there and he hasn't touched it (as far as I know)... Ammonia 0 Nitrates and Nitrites 0
  23. Kuhli Loach

    Mystery Bristlenose Pleco

    Alright, I bought a young bristlenose pleco at my LFS. I would love to know what species it is. It is brown with light brown spota and white fin tips (no pic, sorry :( ).
  24. Kuhli Loach

    I think Kuhli Loaches are under appreciated!!!

    You know I really hate, how clown loaches and yoyos and zebras are all more popular than kuhlis when kuhlis are a GREAT species the stay out of the way, can live with almost any species, clean gravel and decor and are amazing to watch! The only bad things are they can dissapear for months in the...
  25. Kuhli Loach

    Zebra Danios Spinning???

    Ok, so this morning I woke up to find one of my Zebra Danios spinning around while swimming and ramming into the ground then just laying there... So, it died, what happened? What should I do? Can I get another one?
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