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  1. Sarah E

    Urgent Help!

    Could use some advice. A few days ago, charcoal the angelfish developed small white dots, 4 on either side of his head, that were cottony growths. Used Pimafix for 4 days, a melafix 1 day, then pimafix again and the dots seemed to fade, but not disappear. Last night I discovered he had a...
  2. Sarah E

    Adding Fish Breed help

    My 75 gallon tank is finally healthy. After a year of cycling, then a huge ammonia spike which killed half of my fish, and some hesitancy towards cleaning and changing my tank, I've managed to settle everything out to the point where my fish are thriving, and I've even seen a few baby corydoras...
  3. Sarah E

    Stocking help! Please!

    Hello! I have a 60 gallon, 100% cycled tank, and it's FABULOUS!!!! But, I have no clue what to put in it! It's got a large, canister filter for up to a 100 Gallon tank, and lots of live plants. I have 2 angelfish, 2 gourami, 2 SAEs, 1 Bristlenose Pleco and 1 Corydoras Catfish. I also have 2...
  4. Sarah E

    2 months later, Ammonia not gone down, Seeded tank.

    Hello! i have a 60 Gallon tank that's been up since December 6th 2011. The tank has a substrate that was pre-seeded (a brand where they sell the gravel wet, with all the beneficial bacteria in it already.) multiple plants, and even some fish in there. For the first two weeks, I ran it without...
  5. Sarah E

    Still not better! Dying?

    Erne, my Betta male is still not better. It's been 9 days, (maybe a couple more when he was in his big tank). I treated him for Nitrate burns with my Bettafix, and those are all gone! He's eating wonderfully, but he doesn't swim like he used to. His color is fading and he's very skinny... and...
  6. Sarah E

    Brand new fish, upturned white mouth, sick?

    Hello... well yesterday I got 6 new fish. 1 male fancy guppy and 3 females, as well as two Bristlenosed plecos... (i think, the small ones that get up to 4-5" only) and put them in my 10 Gallon tank. They were perfectly fine when I got them. This morning, I noticed that the male and 1 of the...
  7. Sarah E

    in a panic, sick betta, please help! other one died

    hello. my little erne, my red betta fish is sick. i sadly dont have a picture as i am out and about. he is missing a few scales, or at leat has some white scales on his head above his eye. I feel really bad, as im worried i may have caused it. i moved him, and all his other pals out of my dirt...
  8. Sarah E

    5 clutches of snail eggs, 1 3 weeks old, hatching?

    Hello! I have 5 clutches of snail eggs in my tank. One clutch, the first was laid probably the night before thanksgiving, when I was asleep for I woke up to find it. It's been 3 weeks (or if they were laid the day of thanksgiving, almost 3 weeks). I'm very excited! When should I start worrying...
  9. Sarah E

    60 Gallon tank, Angels, and Discus.

    Hello, I have a 60 Gallon tank, that I am going to have a pair of angelfish (i think they're either a pair, or two females). I would like to add 1. a school of Rummy Nose Tetras, and some Discus. I know that Discus have to be in a small group, as they are community fish. My filter runs 400...
  10. Sarah E

    female betta and Dalmatian Mollie fry

    Hello again, I have a 10 gallon tank with a heater and hook on filter. I have one female betta in that tank I might add a few corydoras catfish in my tank as well. Along with these fish, I would like to add a few dalmation mollies that someone I know might be giving me. my question is will...
  11. Sarah E

    Freshwater Angelfish, Discus and Tetras in a 60 Gallon?

    Hello! I'm getting a 60 Gallon tank next week. I'm planning/own a pair of Angelfish. Right now they're pretty small, a couple inches from tip to tip, as from tail to nose. I would also love to get a pair (or would one work?) of Discus to put in with them, as well as a few smaller Tetras... like...
  12. Sarah E


    Are there any good Aquarium books that teach you about different fish, behavior, etc. as well as proper aquarium plants and how to decorate your fish tank?
  13. Sarah E

    How to stock a 60 Gallon tank- Over stocking?

    Hello everyone! I'm getting a brand-new 60 Gallon tank sometime next week! It's going to be planted with all live-plants (any suggestions for plants?) and I am going to have a pair of freshwater Angel fish, and 3 pearl gouramis, 2 females 1 male. All 5 of these fish I own already, but they are...
  14. Sarah E

    Beware of the Ghost Shrimp!

    I bought 6 ghost shrimp, cute as can be, and put them into my tank with my beautiful bettas, cories, etc.... i came in, saw 1 fish damaged, thought it was from my betta. This morning, woke up, found her dead. Found another fish dead and half eaten. Upon research, Ghost shrimp killed them. Ghost...
  15. Sarah E

    40 Gallon Stocking help

    Theoretically speaking, I might get a 40 gallon freshwater tank sometime soon, and I'm hoping/planning on getting this African Cichlid who is pretty beaten up. His tail fin was chewed off by a bunch of other fish, and I've fallen in love with him, mainly because I want to see him get better but...
  16. Sarah E

    20 Gallon stocking- Over stocked?

    I have a 20 Gallon tall freshwater tank that's heavily planted, with good hiding places. What I have so far in my tank. 6 Ghost shrimp all just under 1 inch. 4 Coryadoras Catfish 10 Feeder Guppies (These are my breeders, and the number may vary from when i move to the nursery and when i feed...
  17. Sarah E

    Mystery Snails Reproducing.

    Okay, so I thought I had two female Mystery snails, a pretty golden and a magnificent blue one... Boy was I wrong! My Gold snail is a male, my blue a female... today i walked in on them doing "the dance". Now I might be receiving some fantastic little baby snails. First question. Mystery snails...
  18. Sarah E

    Is Co2 really needed?

    Hello, I'm reading this fish book (VERY good book week by week on how to set up and raise a fish tank/fish) and it's talking about having a Co2 generator.... is this needed? Would an air rock be good enough even if I have live plants? They seem to be doing fantastic without it...
  19. Sarah E

    Stocking My Tanks! Any Suggestions?

    Hello All! My 20 Gallon is finally all evened out when it comes to the cycle and I have 2 happy Peppered corries, 2 mystery snails, and 1-2 Feeder Guppies swimming around in it! I'm running out and buying more feeders, as with the recent power outages in New Hampshire, all but one or two of my...
  20. Sarah E

    Found a GREAT book!

    Hey everyone! I found this FANTASTIC book at the book store the other day that goes with you week by week on setting up your fish tank! I'm trying it out with a new 5 Gallon tank I bought. It's called: "Setting Up A Tropical Aquarium week by week" by "Stuart Thraves" So far I'm loving it (my...
  21. Sarah E

    Snail help! Cracked shell!

    There's a long, hair-line crack (I think it's a crack) on my snail's shell.... Is there anything I can do to help her? It doesn't seem to be bothering her, but I would hate for it to hurt her in any way... Here's a picture:
  22. Sarah E

    Converting a 10 Gallon freshwater

    Hello! I'm going to be obtaining a 10 Gallon freshwater tank from someone for free. It is thriving with algae and will have no fish. I'm wanting to convert it to a salt-water tank (My first one!!!) and I'm wondering how to go about this? Thanks!
  23. Sarah E

    Houdini fish or eaten?

    I had anywhere from 15-20 feeder guppies (ranging from 1/4 inch to 1 inch in length) in my 10 Gallon (I'm feeding them off) tank. I put my two Albino Corys Catfish in the tank, and everyone seemed happy as can be! Well, I went back 9 or so hours later and only two of my feeder guppies were left...
  24. Sarah E

    What Anerobic bacteria do I need?

    My mother specializes in beneficial bacteria. Great for our cat, our parrots, our poodles, it's anaerobic fermentation of lactic acid bacteria. Sauerkraut brine, carrot brine, kimchi.... we can create anything microbial! Which anaerobic bacteria do we need specifically for a healthy...
  25. Sarah E

    20 Gallon fully cycled after only 4 days?

    Hello! My 20 Gallon tank has been cycling for 4 days, and it says that all the levels (the PH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate) are all fish safe and livable... I checked it this morning, and it was questionable, then I added some of those bacteria supplements and it's been running all day. Is it...
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