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  1. M

    algae nightmare

    I should start out by saying that I have been super busy with work and as a result my tanks have suffered a little. I used to have a description of the tanks and fish I have, but since it has changed I guess I will quickly break them down for you. 1 20gal fw with 1 female beta, 2 hatchet fish...
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    a funny yet gross thing happed... beware diy-ers

    Just as an update, I am STILL struggling with algae in my planted. I am about ready to rip everything out and start over. Anyway, at lights on this morning (I have an external ballast thingy under my tank) I noticed some ants on a newly added diy co2 bottle. Well considering there is sugar water...
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    how to dose grants?

    I got some Grant's stump remover today and I have been looking around to see how to and how much of this stuf to dose. Not getting a whole lot of info. Any ideas??
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    RIP Max

    Max passed on today with my help. He got to the point where the tumors were preventing him from swimming for more than a few seconds at a time, and his breathing was starting to be affected. I was very attached to Max and it was a hard thing for me to do. He will be missed. :cry:
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    Jungle anti parasite fish food. effective after soaking?

    A while back I thought my female ram may have had internal parasites. I got her the antiparasite fish food from jungle. Just recently she has started looking really thin again and acting super hungry so I thought I would try the food again. The pellets are too big and too hard for her to eat, so...
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    Getting ready to ship some snails, how to?

    I have never mailed anything alive through the mail. The snails I am mailing are ramshorn. Can I just put them in moist paper towel+bag in a box, or do they need to be in water? I was planning on shipping them priority usps (2 day) Will that work?
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    Painted my own background... aaah, files may be big??

    Now I am by NO means a painter. When I comes to painting I have NO idea what I am doing. I decided to paint my own background for my 20g and I think it turned out ok. The paint I used is VERY shiny so its hard to get a picture of the painting without a huge flash reflection but here it is...
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    algified plants

    I think I may have to rip everything out and start again. I am now getting hair algae. There is not much I will be able to do about it until I can get ahold of some proper test kits and see what I am lacking as far as nutrients go, but in the mean time, I am thinking of doing some agressive...
  9. M

    anybody want some snails?

    Its snail picking time! I usually just throw them out but I thought I would see if anyone wants some this time. They reproduce a LOT. I think the last time I picked them out I got around 50. They are of varied size but most being in the 1/2 to 2 cm range. Pics below
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    Salt for my betta

    My poor betta. He is getting SO big in his chest area. There are several "growths" inside his body which I can see clearly now due to the fact that his stomach is stretched pretty thin. It looks like it is filled with fluid. I can't bring myself to put him down though. He still comes up to the...
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    dyed fish

    I found this website about dyed fish. It has a whole bunch of info and a list and some pictures of the types of fish that are dyed. I know there have been some topics and questions on this subject and thought this was interesting.
  12. M

    What now??

    My wisteria is having problems. The new leaves are turning yellow and curling under and getting blackish clear spots. ( I will try and get some pics later today if you need them.) I lost the card for my nitrate test, the color is mostly yellow/slightly orange. On the nutrient deficiency page it...
  13. M

    success and also Whoops

    At lights on this morning I saw my amano shrimp out and about so I decided it was a good time to grab the net and try to get him into the other tank. I have to say he was the easiest thing I have ever caught with the net. He practically climbed in by himself. So I scoop him out and run over to...
  14. M

    two questions with pics

    My first question is about my Cryptocoryne walkeri. When I first got it the stems were pretty brown. Now they are more green and some of the leaves are getting a reddish brown color to them. Is this normal for this plant or is there something the matter with it. My second question is about my...
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    some of you may remember a post about my betta

    I thought he may have had dropsy. He is Still really swollen, but when the light shines through him at certain angles, I am almost positive there is a tumor or something growing in his stomach area. I will try and get a picture if I can. My question is this, how long do I let him go on like...
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    When last I used this I used it in a low-ish light aquarium that had some swords, aponogeton, and some java fern. That tank EXPLODED with algae. I was looking at the back of it, and the ingredients are... potassium sulfate, edta, Iron chloride, sodium hydroxide, dtpa, potassium iodide...
  17. M

    Tank update, new plants, a bunch of pics

    Well, things are coming along nicely in my 20 with a big thank you to Jc! Some close ups of the Anacharis now can I clip some of the growth that is spouting off the sides and just replant it? Some close ups of the Ludwigia This little piece broke off so I planted it near the...
  18. M

    Apparently I didn't think this through well enough *help*

    This last week I got a dragon goby and I put him in my fw tank (he came from a fw tank) intending to convert it over to brackish. I have my hydrometer, I have my marine salt. I thought all I need to do now is move out the shrimp, the plec, and my hatchets, and slowly bring up the salinity of the...
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    I didn't enter my AA user name in the comments box when I made a donation. Will you still be able to tell that I made the donation?
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    Ok, don't yell at me...

    We were in the dreaded W--- and I saw this fish, and I bought it. I know it prefers brackish, and I think I can give him that if I can get my plec out of the 55. Oh and the hatchets. This was labled "dragon fish" its a dragon goby correct? Is dragon goby and violet goby the same? Anyway, here...
  21. M

    aquaclear media

    I have the aquaclear 70 on my tank. I took out the ceramic noodle things it came with so the only filter media I have in there at the moment are sponges. I am noticing a lot of crud floating around in my tank. What media do you fellow ac keepers use?
  22. M

    New light, RE-rescaped, pictures, questions...

    HOORAY!! I got my new light bulb in today! 24w 6500K 2000 lumens, to replace the blue actinic bulb that came with my fixture. I am SOOOO happy! I really loved the look of the blue, it was very pretty, and now with two white bulbs (the other one is 12000k) its more yellow but I am hoping I will...
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    product reviews

    I tried doing a product review and when I hit the submit button I got this message... Warning: process_image(/home/aquarium/public_html/reviewpost/languages/english/emails.php) [function.process-image]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in...
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    sick oto, what happened? Very gross picture *beware*

    I found my oldest oto (around 2 yrs old) Very near death this morning. Very slow labored breathing, swollen body, eyes slightly popped out. I did not notice the blood until I took him out. The arrows in the picture show where it was the worst, one spot under the gills, some under the scales on...
  25. M

    Roots look messy

    can I cut them off, or willl this hurt the plants?
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