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  1. M

    Help... total newbie, worried about tetras and molleys

    I cycled my 10 gallon with five neon tetras and 2 honey gouramis and Bio-Spira... Two months later they are totally happy with some more friends that I recently added like cories, shrimp, a frog and cherry barbs! So you should try and get some Bio-Spira. Good luck!
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    Food for Java Fern??

    My LFS guy told me that I would need to put a liquid plant feed into my 10 gallon tank to feed my very little Java Fern. Is this true? I have never heard of such a thing!
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    Thanks for the responses! I went to the store and bought 2 cherry barbs! My LFS guy (who I think I trust) persuaded me away from the danios due to overcrowding and aggressiveness. I did buy a frog and he told me to feed the frog at night about an hour after I put out the lights so the other...
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    I am looking for some more exciting fish for my tank. I have a ten gallon tropical tank with a HOB filter. I have four neon tetras, one honey gourami, 2 skunk cories and two algae eating shrimp (I think they are called amano shrimp or something). Anyhoo...I heard danios are fun and exciting...
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    Gourami with Skin Disease???

    It will be difficult for me to get a picture. It looks like the scales are turning black along the lateral line (although on such a small fish I am not exactly sure where the lateral line runs). It starts at his gills and runs all the way through his tail. There have been no behavioral...
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    Gourami with Skin Disease???

    I have a Honey Gourami with a black line running down its body (it looks like it is running down its lateral line). Is this some sort of skin disease? He is with 3 neon tetras in a 10 gallon tank with a HOB. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  7. M

    What new fish should I get?????

    I have had my three neons for about a month now and they seem to be fine (knock on wood!). Maybe the west coast stock is healthier??? Cool Bamboo shrimp!! Is he/she expensive? Is he/she easy to take care of?
  8. M

    What new fish should I get?????

    Thanks for all the help. I think I might go with a few cories and then think about the shrimp. I will probably add to my tetra count too. I started off with four but one died during my cycling. Thanks again! :D
  9. M

    What new fish should I get?????

    I have a ten gallon tropical system that has been up and running for a month with a hang on the back filter. I have 3 neon tetras and one honey gourami and NO ammonia or Nitrites. I am all cycled and ready for some more fish!! Yeah! I am just looking for some advice. I would love some type...
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    VERY Cloudy Water

    My friend has a ten gallon tank with a couple of mollies and a couple of other fish (I am not sure which kind). He has two small hang on filters some rocks from a LFS. He had a real abalone shell in it that he got when Abalone diving. Anyways...... his water is always cloudy even if he does...
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    How often should I change my Filter Media?

    I have a tropical ten gallon tank. I am almost finished with my cycle. I have 2 Honey Gouramis and 3 Neon Tetras. I have a JEBO little hang on the back filter. Can anyone give me any advice on how often I should change the filter media? I am also curious on how often people would recommend...
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    Water Changes for a New Tank

    Yes, I am replying to my own post. I have just been exploring this forum more and I have discovered that UGFs are not recommended. I am on a budget and have no plans for live plants any time soon. Are they really that bad???? Thanks!
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    Water Changes for a New Tank

    I have done quite a bit of research and have decided to buy a 10 gal (biggest I can get-very small apartment) with UGF and a powerhead. I want to cycle with a few neon tetras. Can someone tell me how often I should be doing water changes while my tank is cycling? Also, (this is a dumb...
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    Pre buy/setup filter questions?

    What would be the best protein skimmer for the buck for me? I am on a budget but do want quality products.
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    Pre buy/setup filter questions?

    Thank you so much! This helps a lot.
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    Pre buy/setup filter questions?

    I would like to know what people suggest for a filtration system for me. I want a 30g tank (that is as big as I can go), fish only (maybe inverts in the far future). My idea is a canister filter and a protein skimmer and maybe live sand??? Please write and give me all of your opinions. I...
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