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  1. Vatilla

    Axoltol and Mystery Snail

    I'm going to be getting 3 Axolotls soon, and I was wondering if I would be able to keep them with two full grown (bigger than golfball) sized Mystery Snails? Totally fine if I can't, I have other tanks, but I was just wondering if it would work!
  2. Vatilla

    Goldfish Advice!

    I've had a goldfish once in the past, named Hannibal, who I rescued from a .5g "tank" in a pet store. He was in a 5 gallon for 3 weeks before being given to his now permanent home, a 150-180 gallon tank with two other goldfish (who are 25 years old). Ever since Hannibal, I've wanted more...
  3. Vatilla

    Possible 55 Gallon

    This may not happen, but a 55g tank may be going into my basement! I'm looking to ask for stocking advice on it. These are some fish I would LOVE in the tank, but I realize I can't have all of them. I'm looking for suggestions of species, along with people telling me what on my list doesn't mix...
  4. Vatilla

    Female Betta Ill

    1~What type of fish is afflicted? In addition, please describe what is wrong with the fish to the best of your ability (i.e. cotton like growth, bloated, etc.). She is a female Betta, and she has some kind of white/grey growth on her face. I will post a picture below. She also seems to have...
  5. Vatilla

    Been a while!

    Wow, I haven't been on here in quite a while... I'm happy to say that since my last visit, I've gotten all of my tanks cycled and have gotten quite a bit more fish than before! Divided 10 gallon tank. Home to Pigg and Atlas the Bettas, along with Pablo the baby Mystery Snail. 10 gallon tank...
  6. Vatilla

    30g Stocking

    I will be getting a 30g tank soon, but not able to stock until I move this summer. I plan on planting it soon, just to get my plants healthy, and then recycling when we move. This is my stocking plan so far: 5 Zebra Danios (2 inches) 3 Dalmation Mollies (3 inches) 5 Bloodfin Tetras (2 inches)...
  7. Vatilla

    Stocking a 10g!

    To not view explanatory story, please move to second paragraph. So I was surfing the web (Kijiji), looking for a new tank hood when I came upon a brilliant opportunity. There was a 10g for sale with a filter, gravel and decorations for only 30 bucks. I recently paid 35 for my new heater,and I...
  8. Vatilla

    Need Advice!

    Hello all! I have debating for the past 48 hours on whether or not to get the most beautiful Betta I have ever seen. I am absolutely in love and he is all I can think about. If my memory is correct, he is a Half-Moon Plakat or something along those lines. He has a white face with an aqua blue...
  9. Vatilla

    Just Not My Day

    Hello there. Today has been quite the crappy day for me. Last night I found out my Betta Pigg has fin rot (he is being treated, I have it all figured out), then my snail seems ill (he is fine now, he was just stuck under some rocks which have been removed), then Pigg looked close to death after...
  10. Vatilla


    I apologize for the big help sign- I just need answers. Now. I was on another fish site, worried about my Betta's brown spots, but they're part of his patterns. One of the members noticed his tail and said he had some serious fin rot. Well, after being hysterical since last night, getting a QT...
  11. Vatilla

    Pregnant Otocinclus?

    So I know that Otos hardly ever breed in captivity, but my female has been getting a little rounder than usual lately. It could just be that she's loving the cucumbers I've been giving them for a Christmas treat, or that she's always looked this way and I only just noticed. I'll try and get a...
  12. Vatilla

    New Heater

    I have a 10g with a Betta, 3 Otos and a Mystery Snail. My current heater has managed to chug along since June, when I bought it new for about $17. I didn't have the money for even a decent heater, but this one is just terrible and I am now willing to spend a maximum of $40 on a good heater that...
  13. Vatilla

    Otos and Mystery Snails and Bettas oh my!

    Hello peoples.I have taken a break from the Internet recently, and the last time I was on here I had just gotten two new Otocinclus fish in my heated and filtered 10g as tankmates to my Betta, Pigg. In the last few months Penny and Cabbage have grown to about 2 inches and haven't gotten any...
  14. Vatilla

    Otocinclus and Betta?

    Hi there! I have a 10g aquarium with what I believe (can't remember the exact name) is an Internal 10i Whisper filter or something and a Topfin heater. I've had it since mid-June and I have my male Betta Pigg in there all to his lonesome. I had added a few Glow Light Tetras to the tank, and...
  15. Vatilla

    Neon Tetras

    Hello! I started a thread earlier about what to house my Betta with, and decided on 5 or 6 Neon Tetras for my 10g filtered and heated tank along with my male Betta Pigg (WHEW! Long sentence!). It's got plenty of hiding places for them, and enough room to swim around. I haven't gotten the fish...
  16. Vatilla

    Betta Mates?

    I have one single male Betta in a 10g tank with a filter and heater, along with numerous plants and setups. I would really love to get him some tank mates without buying a new tank for these reasons: 1. I recently had tadpoles, and he spent his days watching them swim around, but I set them...
  17. Vatilla

    New Betta Owner (Filter Issues, Housing Question)

    Hi there! I am new (very, very new) to Betta fish. When I first bought my Betta, a male named Pigg, I put him in my old African Dwarf Frog tank. It was probably a gallon, and I knew it was much too small. I ended up getting him a 10g tank all to himself. There may soon be some fish in there with...
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