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  1. C

    Bloated danio

    I have this danio that has looked like she's carrying eggs, but she's pretty much looked like this for the past year. Her size has never gone down much. She seems otherwise healthy, and has no trouble swimming, so I'm not too worried. Is it just eggs, or could there be something else going on?
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    Mystery snails hatching

    Just thought I'd share, kinda cool. :)
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    Water change mishap

    The tank was starting to look a little grungy, so I decided to do a big water change tonight and general cleaning. Vacuum under the bigger decorations I don't usually move, scrub off some of the black algae I've been battling. I didn't notice when I accidentally siphoned up my favorite ADF...
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    Angelfish nipping at mystery snail

    Is this normal? It sounds like it depends on the personality of the fish, as I have read both that they should be ok together, and that they can attack the larger snails. I have a large-ish (not quite golf-ball sized) gold mystery snail with a juvie angel who is not much bigger than the snail...
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    Plant id please

    I got this plant (the reddish one) from petsmart, in one of those snail-free bags. It "says" it is fully aquatic, but I can't remember what it's called. I should start taking pictures of the labels... Anyway, it seems to be growing, and I think it looks good, but it sheds a lot of leaves. I'd...
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    Angelfish baby is growing up!

    I've only had him for a month or two, and I'm starting to see some obvious growth. Fins are filling out, and his tail is starting to sprout some longer tips. (His body is roughly the size of a quarter.) So this post is two part, one I just think it's exciting and I wanted to share. :) And...
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    Flaky scales

    Hi, I have a danio with white, flaky scales, what looks like a bruise and torn fins. I'm trying to figure out if this could be an infection of some kind, or just an injury. I had another fish from the same tank with similar symptoms last week (minus the torn fins), moved him to a hospital...
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    Life after QT

    I had posted on another thread about my one glofish I put into a hospital tank. She has had a huge belly for a while now, which I haven't been too concerned about, thinking it was just eggs. Then one morning, she has what looks like bruises, and flaky scales on her back. I immediately filled...
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    Its always something.

    Days like today just make me want to throw in the towel. When I started my 10 gallon, I made just about every mistake I could have, and spent months trying to fix it, which eventually ended up with me upgrading to a 20L because my 10 was seriously overstocked and I couldn't get it to cycle for...
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    Angel identity crisis

    Not a question, so much an observation... My angelfish seems to be having an identity crisis. He's still a baby, only a little bigger than a quarter, and the lone angel in the tank. First, he tried schooling with the tetras, and last night I caught him laying on the bottom of the tank with the...
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    Ph dropping

    I recently upgraded my 10 gallon to a 29 (yay!). The 10 was cycled, just transferred everything over, added a couple of new fish. I have x ray tetras and a baby angelfish in it now, and cory fry in a breeder box. My tap water is well water, with a water softener that doesn't seem terribly...
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    Stocking and adavisor

    I've been using aqadvisor, and I like the site. I know it doesn't have all the answers, but it's a good general guideline. That said, does anyone know if it takes swimming levels into account? I will be stocking my 10 gallon eventually when I get out of this endless mini-cycle. Right now I...
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    Could this be septicemia?

    It looks similar to the pictures I've seen. One source says its bacterial, and enters the fish through an injury (his damaged fins) and is not contagious, but is most likely deadly. Someone else says its viral and highly infectious. Everyone else in the tank looks fine though. Anyone have any...
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    Cory egg pics

    I managed to get a couple of interesting cory egg photos. :)
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    I posted this at the tail end of a different question in the general forum, but thought it might be better suited here... I've just started to slowly replace my plastic plants with real ones, when do you need to start adding fertilizer/flourish? It's not a fully planted tank, and I don't really...
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    Driftwood questions

    My tanks (20 long and 10 gallon) have been running for about 6 months. I started out with the classic fake coral decorations and plastic plants. I've slowly been adding more real plants, and I'm thinking about maybe a couple small pieces of driftwood. I like the look of the natural/planted...
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    Unhappy cory?

    I had 6 cories in my 20 gallon community tank, and one of them had gotten injured. I think he was getting picked on, which is weird because he was one of the bigger guys in the group. I never noticed any aggression, but he lost pretty much all but his tail fin, and it looked like nipping, not...
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