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  1. rilock4

    plant fertz

    I have a 38 gallon tank. Also, do I need to be turning off my filters when I'm adding the flourish? Or will the plants still get the fertz with the filters on?
  2. rilock4

    plant fertz

    Is there any specific brand of root tabs that are better than the rest, or are they all about the same
  3. rilock4

    plant fertz

    I have gravel substrate and I am running the Satellite Freshwater LED.
  4. rilock4

    plant fertz

    I am currently using flourish comprehensive in my planted tank. My tank has corkscrew valisneria, cambomba, water wisteria, and red ludiwiga. I am wondering if I need to add any other fertz for my plants.
  5. rilock4

    38 Gallon Stocking Idea

    Thanks for the help. Everything I've read about dg and angels is so confusing as one source says don't do it and another says they will be fine. While others say it just depends on your gourami breed as some are aggressive and others aren't I know they say dg are territorial, but mine like to go...
  6. rilock4

    38 Gallon Stocking Idea

    I think I have miss read the information about angels and DG. I think it was for Blue Gourami. If i do end up going the angel route about how many can I get and everyone will be happy? Also, about how many more Glofish and corys should I get?
  7. rilock4

    38 Gallon Stocking Idea

    I am looking for stocking ideas for my 38 gallon tank. I currently have 7 Glofish, 3 Albino Cory Catfish, and 2 Dwarf Gourami. My tank is also semi-planted. Since my tank is too small for Discus I would like other ideas on the line of Discus that would be happy in my tank. I was looking at...
  8. rilock4

    Bump on Dwarf Gourami

    My Dwarf Gourami has this strange bump on him pictured below. He has been eating, but seems to be struggling while swimming. Is this Dwarf Gourami Disease or something else?
  9. rilock4

    Chemical filter question

    Okay thanks for the help all
  10. rilock4

    Chemical filter question

    My tank is about a month old and is a 38 gallon. I have 3 windlov (sp) and 3 valliseria (sp). I am going to add some camboba and water wisteria. I have 7 glofish, 3 albino cory catfish, and 3 dwarf gourami (sp). I am running the fluval aquaclear 50 (rated for 50 gallons, and a bio wheel power...
  11. rilock4

    Chemical filter question

    I have a aquaclear filter and have read that the carbon chemical is not needed. I currently have the ammonia remove chemical in my filter and was wondering if this is not nesccery in my planted tank and I should just run the filter and bio max.
  12. rilock4

    Plant ID

    I recently purchased three of the plants pictured below. I think it is a type of fern, but I am not sure what type.
  13. rilock4

    New Tank Help

    Thanks for the info. I just ask the lfs or do I try and find out online where they where raised?
  14. rilock4

    New Tank Help

    That's right I don't have a heater. What it's the temp suppose to be for tropical fish. I just thought 75 was a good temp. From what the glofish website recommended.
  15. rilock4

    New Tank Help

    Also, speaking of thermostats should I place it near the bottom or top off the tank, I'm not really sure if that will make a difference in a tank with more gallons.
  16. rilock4

    New Tank Help

    The temp stays 75 degrees. At first I thought the thermostat was broken since the temp wasn't fluctuating, so I got a different thermostat and it was reading the same.
  17. rilock4

    New Tank Help

    Actually I had a change of plans and got a great deal on a 38 gallon tank at the lfs. I currently have glofish and cory catfish. I am thinking of adding some neon tetras in the future, but that is not a definite. I also, have two ferns
  18. rilock4

    New Tank Help

    What heater would be recommended as I currently do not have one in my 10 gallon tank?
  19. rilock4

    New Tank Help

    Thats sounds easy enough.
  20. rilock4

    New Tank Help

    I plan on getting a 20 gallon tank and I want to transfer the fish in my 10 gallon tank to the 20. I am going to do a fish less cycle on the 20, but I was wondering how should I transfer the fish after the tank is cycled. Should it be a few at a time or can I transfer them all at once?
  21. rilock4

    New Cory catfish

    They are small now, but when they get bigger they will need a bigger tank. So, that will give me a reason to get a bigger tank. :) Below are pictures I took with everything glowing.
  22. rilock4

    New Cory catfish

    I picked up 3 new Albino Cory Catfish for my 10 gallon tank. I think they make a great contrast with the black and glo gravel and 6 glofish.
  23. rilock4

    My 10 gallon glofish tank.

    Thanks, that helps narrow it down for me.
  24. rilock4

    My 10 gallon glofish tank.

    This is my glofish tank with 4 glofish. I plan on adding 2 more. I am debating on adding a bottom feeder or a couple of discus. Any input is appreciated.
  25. rilock4

    Fish in cycle help.

    Okay thanks everyone
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