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  1. Twood9615

    New 75 gallon tank

    I currently have a 25 gallon and a 46 gallon running and the fish I have are getting too big ? so I am setting up a 75 gallon tank soon and getting rid of the other two so that they will have more room to grow. My question is will I have to cycle the 75 or will I be able to transfer the gravel...
  2. Twood9615

    Sexing salvini

    Can yal tell me if my salvini is make or female? I'm not sure how to tell and I'm curious. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  3. Twood9615

    Oscar health

    I have never really dealt with fish disease other than a case of Ich that my Oscar brought home from the fish store and so I need some help identifying this It looks like it's just some missing or damaged scales to me and I've been keeping an eye on him and he doesn't seem bothered. The...
  4. Twood9615

    Found parrot guarding eggs

    The whole rock is covered in eggs but I don't have a pair of parrots only this one so I'm not sure where they came from. maybe "she?" Just laid them and they aren't fertilized yet? I don't really know how to breed fish but the other fish in the tank are a convict, fire mouth, jack Dempsey, Texas...
  5. Twood9615

    I need co2 suggestions

    I have a 34 gallon planted tank running right now and I want to add a co2 system. However I'm not sure what to get or where to find a nice one at a reasonable price so can you guys give me some suggestions. Thanks
  6. Twood9615

    Ludwigia repens and contortion Val melting

    Hey yal I have a 34 gallon planted tank that I'm working on and I recently added some broad leaf ludwigia and contortion Val to the scape and they are both melting pretty bad especially the ludwigia. The ludwigia is already showing new leaves forming on some stems so I know it will be fine given...
  7. Twood9615

    Light for nano tank

    I have a 2.5 gallon tank that I am planning on turning into a planted tank, I already have an extra co2 system i could use in it and I was wondering what light you guys could recommend. I would prefer a good LED light because I've read that the smaller fluorescents don't last and I don't want to...
  8. Twood9615

    Fin rot or nipping?

    I've noticed some small white spots in the top fin of my gold ram and I'm not sure if it's just the fins healing from being nipped or if it's fin rot, none of the other fish in the tank have anything similar so I'm thinking that it's just from nipping. Any ideas?
  9. Twood9615

    Downoi help please

    So i recently ordered several plants from peabody's paradise (I recommend this site to everybody) ad they gave me a free downoi with my order. The plant is in great shape but it doesn't have a very strong root structure and so every time I plant it one of my rams will just go and pull it up. Is...
  10. Twood9615

    Temple Hygrophila question

    I just received some temple hygro for my 34 gallon today and it was grown out of water and is covered in purple flowers. My question is how long should the plants take to transition to the submersed form? And will all the flowers fall off now that it's underwater?
  11. Twood9615

    Crypt identity

    can somebody tell me what type of crypt this is, I got it at my local store but I don't remember even checking to see what type it was and now I'm not sure.
  12. Twood9615

    Crypt parva

    Hey guys I'm still pretty new to the planted side of the hobby and I was looking for a good low light plant to use in the front of my tank, (preferably not moss) and I was wondering if crypt parva would do well. I have about 1.4 Watts per gallon, I'm running a fluval CO2 system, and I dose with...
  13. Twood9615

    Advice for buying plants

    So I went to my local fish store the other day and picked up a few plants for my new 34 gallon however they didn't have the background plants that I wanted. I was planning on ordering a Water Wisteria bunch and a Hygrophila Corymbosa bunch from Has anybody ordered from this site...
  14. Twood9615


    So I just got a 34 gallon tank that I plan to make all love plants, the tank came with a 17 watt T8 full spectrum light, would I be able to use this or do I need a higher watt light? I was planning on using mostly low light plants like anacharis, water wisteria, Anubias things like that so would...
  15. Twood9615

    Strange spot on gourami

    I noticed a spot on the head of my dwarf gourami today, Im not sure how long it's been there but I've never noticed it before. I'm not sure if it's just a mark from being nipped at or if it could be ich or something of the sort so if anybody recognizes it please let me know. I also have melafix...
  16. Twood9615

    Java fern rhizome

    I'm currently reviving a java fern piece and I was wondering if I should cut away the end of the rhizome or leave it, it hasn't shown any signs of root growth or leaves and the end is beginning to brown should I just cut off the piece that is not showing any growth or leave it alone?
  17. Twood9615

    Betta cant eat

    Hey guys I have a concern about my betta, the last two days it hasn't been able to open it's mouth enough to eat the pellets that I usually feed it and I noticed a bump under it's gills that I don't remember being there. I've tried crushing the pellets but he doesn't seem interested in that so...
  18. Twood9615

    Is my fish pregnant??

    So I have 4 red eye tetras and I've noticed that latke one is looking much larger than the others and almost bloated. It's the fish on the far left, is it pregnant or just getting fat? Because it also seems to be a little more dominant and usually snaches up food faster than the others but I'm...
  19. Twood9615

    Java fern help

    Why is my java fern turning gray? The edges are starting to turn black as well. Is it nutrition or is the plant getting too much light? Also, only one of the leaves on the plant is doing this, the other leaves seem very healthy.
  20. Twood9615

    Splitting Marimo Moss Ball

    I just split my Marimo and i rolled the two parts into a ball and loosly tied them with sewing string to make sure that they stay together. This is the first time i have tried doing that, Is there anything else i need to do to make sure the two parts survive, or will they be fine just leaving...
  21. Twood9615

    New to Plants

    Are there any Plants that would survive in only gravel without any special substrate underneath. I would love to add a live plant or two to my 10 gallon but i don't want to have to change the substrate. I need a tough easy to care for plant because i have never kept anything other than a marimo...
  22. Twood9615

    My first 10 gallon

    1 Dwarf Gourami 1 Dalmatian Molly 1 Julii Cory Catfish 3 Red Eye Tetra
  23. Twood9615

    Algae help

    I have a Betta tank with a fake plant and it's starting to get brown algae spots all over the material, how can i clean it off without using chemicals?
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