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  1. FWFishTanks

    Wanted: Young Male peacocks

    Looking for small male peacock cichlids for a tank I'm setting up. Won't be ready to buy for a week or two, but would like to find a seller in advance. Thanks!
  2. FWFishTanks

    55g african cichlids

    Thinking if getting a 55 gallon for cichlids. What mbunas should I avoid? Could I do peacocks, or would this tank be too small. Any recommended ACs? :thanks:
  3. FWFishTanks

    FortWayneFishTank's Projects!

    A thread showing all of my aquariums, breeding and non breeding related! Feel free to suggest and inform me on anything related to the tanks :thanks::dance::thumb::thumb:
  4. FWFishTanks

    Wanted: Pygmy Chain sword and Red Tiger Lotus

    Looking for these plants for a fair price, I can also trade val. Contortionist. Thanks :thanks::thumb:
  5. FWFishTanks

    For Sale: Last Plant Package of the Season!

    Last sale of the season! Val. Contortionist: 15 plants A long rope (well over a foot) of hornwort 1 java fern plant (5 leaves plus) 1 Java fern windolev (5 leaves plus) 1 golf ball of java moss 1 small aponogeton crispus (pretty rough shape, consider it a free gift) A few small water...
  6. FWFishTanks

    Mexican red clay?

    Can you use any brand for your planted tank? Are there any common ingredients or brands that should be avoided? I am thinking about buying some for my planted tank.
  7. FWFishTanks

    For Sale: A lot of Val. Contortionist!

    Need it gone, well over 20 plants $20 shipped :thumb: Picture will be up tonight, very good deal! Great root systems and great for low to medium light aquariums!
  8. FWFishTanks

    Rescape ideas?

    I am getting bored with this layout, and I can't think of any good rescape ideas. Any ideas? Whatever comes to mind, say it! :thumb:
  9. FWFishTanks

    For Sale or trade: Dwarf Panda Guppies

    I am selling one of my personal favorite strains of guppies, dwarf pandas! These fish stay smaller than standard gups, but behave the same. they are easy to breed, and very entertaining to look at! for a pair of these little gems, it will cost $7 (not including shipping). I may trade for...
  10. FWFishTanks

    My Guppy Breeding Thread!

    Haven't done this kind of thread before, but I decided I would. This thread will be about my guppy breeding systems and the strains I am currently breeding! These first two pics show a full room shot, complete with a tank rack that is cat proof, and the reason they are cat proof. I am currently...
  11. FWFishTanks

    For Sale or trade: Panda Guppies!

    About 3 months old, starting to get their adult coloration. 7$ a pair. Will trade for other higher end guppies:thumb::thumb::thumb:
  12. FWFishTanks

    For Sale: Tons of Vallisneria Contortionist

    Huge lot of vals, asking $35 For the whole lot or I can sell in smaller sections. In the picture the clump is shown next to a 6 inch ruler Will negotiate! :thanks:
  13. FWFishTanks

    For Sale or trade: Pre Cleaned Beach Sand

    I got this very nice sand off a beach. Very fine and has soft texture. Made from many, many years of eroded shells and corals. This sand would be great for an African cichlid or marine system, although it would probably work for a planted tank too. May raise ph and hardness. I am asking $5 per...
  14. FWFishTanks

    For Sale: 10 Val. Contortionist Plants

    I have ten of these plants available, 2-5 inches in height, plus a few extra runners in the bunch. $8 Pictures apon request. These do well in the upper end of low light to medium light in my experience.
  15. FWFishTanks

    For Sale or trade: Val. Contortionist and Ludwigia repens

    I have about 10 vals available, they were grown in lower light, so they are shorter and tighter than my other vals, but they have been thriving in low light conditions: 10 for $5 or $0.60 each I also have 5 stems of ludwigia repens that has been grown floating in the same tank as the vals, a...
  16. FWFishTanks

    Black skirt tetra replacements

    So, long story short, my school of black skirts suddenly jumped one of my glass cats, nearly killing him. I would much rather have my glass cats over my black skirts, so when i sell or trade these to the store, what fish should I get as replacements? I want a peaceful schooling fish that will...
  17. FWFishTanks

    Easy way to get fry to grow faster

    I have found this specific strategy to be very effective, ( many of you may be doing it already). I am raising panda guppy fry in a ten gallon, but this time i kept the tank half filled ( five gallons), for the first 3 weeks, leaving their food in a more concentrated area, making it easier to...
  18. FWFishTanks

    BIG Black Skirt Tetra

    Check out my new big skirt tetra, it's huge!
  19. FWFishTanks

    For Sale or trade: Vallisneria contortionist

    I have about 17 vallisneria contortionist plants for sale, ranging from 11 inches tall to small runners growing off the sides of the plants. The plants average about 6 inches, but there are certainly outlier sizes. I am asking ten dollars for the whole lot, but I am willing to trade if I am...
  20. FWFishTanks

    curlyleaf pondweed in aquarium?

    There is a ton of this in my local lake, and it surprises me that no one uses it in their aquariums. It seems to be a resilient stem plant, and it is appears to be easy to propagate, as it is growing everywhere. I personally think it looks neat, it has broze to dark green leaves on each stem...
  21. FWFishTanks

    .375 gallon pico stock?

    I have one blue ramshorn and I would like 1 more invert, preferably a shrimp. I was thinking a cherry because they are pretty small and don't have a huge bioload. What are your thoughts?
  22. FWFishTanks

    "wow" fish for a 6.6G Edge

    I have a fluval edge 6 gallon that is currently uninhabited (lost my previous fish) I want fish that will give another hobbyist a wow factor, but it has to be pretty cheap. I was thinking a dwarf puffer. Any ideas? It can be more than one fish
  23. FWFishTanks

    Pink convict breeding

    Do these go for good money? I can't seem to find any prices online, and I want to know their average retail. Do I keep the parents with the fry as the fry grow? Do I leave just one parent? Or is no parents the best way?
  24. FWFishTanks

    Schoolers for planted 75 gallon

    My stock is 1 clown pleco, 2 angels, a gold dust molly, a balloon molly, 2 cories ( will probably get more or give them away), one SAE, 1 half banded spiny eel, 1 glass cat (will get more soon) 50 percent PWCs weekly, an emporer 400 and a marineland c220 What medium to large schoolers could I...
  25. FWFishTanks

    Excel and val. Contortionist?

    My tank has acquired some BBA, and I plan to do less feeding to encourage my SAE to eat the algae and reduce waste. I am also having my light on in 2 hour periods of on and off, to help prevent algae development. I also plan on dosing excel, but I have some contortionist Val's and do not want to...
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