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  1. T

    Fishbowl community? You might be surprised!

    I have just found a series of videos on youtube that shows a fishbowl community that has been running for 2 years with no deaths. It just looks like a little 1 or 1.5 gallon bowl without filtration or airation, yet it appears have a guppy, a dwarf frog, 3 white cloud tetras, and a couple of...
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    Will Purigen interfere with the Cycling Process?

    SeaChems Purigen Product looks like a miracle substance. It removes ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, soluble and insoluble impurities. A liter of the stuff will clean 1000 gallons of water for six months. It can even be recharged for...
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    A tank full of weirdlings...

    I have always been attracted to the exotic and unusual, and I have been considering setting my old 20 gallon back up. I quickly sketched out a tanks plan: -Sand bottom -bogwood/driftwood -a couple smooth rocks -lightly planted Then I decided on some fish that I have always longed to...
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    No water changes for years?

    I heard about a product from a employee at the local Petsmart. He said it was a kind of filter with a cartridge that could last two or three years without water changes. Has anyone here heard of this? Any links or info that could help me find out more?
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    Shrimp in a bowl

    I am wanting to keep a ghost shrimp or two (or six :wink: ) in a betta container I orgionally got for jumping spiders. I have heard they won't survive without salt in the water, and wont shed their skin properly without iodine. The Aqarium salt I have dosent seem to have iodine in it. Could I...
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    My Twig cat is belly up, and bloodied up. Help....

    I just found my twig catfish this morning, he lying on the ground and hes got blood all over him. Could this be caused by the ich he recenty had? Or the alge bloom my tank has? Or did another fish beat him up? If hes not gonna make it, how do humanely put down a fish? thanks for any help you...
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    Ive got worms. Aeiiee!

    Their are worms living in my tank. And they aren't invited. They are very tiny, thin, and white. some are floating around in the currant, and a couple are crawling around on the glass. Are they harmful? Helpful? how do you get rid of them? This tank is giving me a lot of heartache. :(
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    black, brown, green PUFFY white!

    My tank has many unusual visitors. Ive got brown gunk, black gunk, green gunk, and puffy whiteish puffballs. Could anyone tell me what they might be? Are they good or harmful? Friend of foe? And do snails or certain fish eat them? (my tank has been unbalanced lately.) thanks -tyrel-
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    Carnivore staple diets?

    Ive finally got my new fish! :D After weeks of stress and disease ridden cycle, Ive gotten my four inch senegal bichir! Ive gotten him a sinking compelete pellet food to start out with, but i have to break the pellets very small. I know about varied diets and all that jazz, But are these...
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    Oily stuff on waters suface?!

    The Cloudy surface i made a topic about a while ago has not left my tank, so its not bacterial bloom as i thought before. Its Almost oily in aperance, and its starting to worry me. :( The tank has been cycling for a couple weeks now.
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    How long will Ick live with no fish in the tank?

    My cycling fish have Ick, and the store says they will take them back when the cycle is done. If I take out the cycle fish before the perminent fish ( 4 inch senegal bichir) goen in, can I leave the tank absent of fish untill any free swimming Ick dies? How long untill it is safe for the new...
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    cloudy water surface?

    The surface of the water in my tank has been cloudy for the last few days. almost milky... What could this be?
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    How many cycle fish?

    I came home from the lfs with 6 feeder fish. They are now in my 20 gallon tank cycling away. One got sucked on to the filter intake, so that leaves me with 5. Is this enough fish to do a proper cycle? I plan to start with a 3-5 inch fish and work up slowly from there.
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    top up with plain tap water?

    Can you top up a very small amount of water with plain tap water? Will the small amount of clorine hurt the fish? I plan to top it up whenever i see the water level below the black rim. ( also, the water level shows first at the back of the tank. Is the sligtly lopsided water level dangerous to...
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    Im Almost ready! Here's the fish I hope to have!

    20 gallons African Butterfly fish = 4" Ghost Glass catfish x2 = 6" Dwarf gourami x2 = 4" Twig cat OR dojo loach = 6" Banjo cat = 5" hillstream loach (x2?) Now, I need your opinions on this tank setup. will there be to much food competition? Will these fish keep the tank clean? Will the...
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    Im frustrated. :)

    well, ive finally got water in my new tank. It went fairly smoothly. Anyway, the air pump and air stone aren't working as planed. Will my hang on back filter provide enough surface disturbance to airiate the 20 gallon tank enough, without the air pump? Its rippling the entire surface of water...
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    Violent reaction?

    How extreme should the reaction be when testing an unsuitable aquarium rock? I broke a couple pebbles of gravel, and put them in a shallow dish of 3% hydrogen peroxide. They slowly formed About three or for bubbles. (Not the fizzing bubbles I expected.) the rocks appear crystaline, and are epoxy...
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    does cork change the water?

    I would like to keep a butterfly fish, and read that a floating peice of cork bark will make it feel at ease, and prevent jumping. Is there anything that I should know about cork in the aqarium? Like changes to water chemistry over time? I have cork, but its not natural cork bark. Its been cut...
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    epoxy coated gravel safe?

    I just went to my local fish store, and was informed that the epoxy coated gravel ive bought is not safe. They say the coating will wear off, and the gravel will start affecting the cemistry of my water. What are your thoughts on this? (its not bright blue or anything, its made of of natral tans...
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    nitrate and nitrite test nessasary?

    I am in the prosess of setting up my first fish tank. Its a 20 gallon and i already have ph and ammonia tests. But nitrate and nitrite tests are expensive around here. So heres my question, If I plan to use the product cycle once a week (witch releases massive amounts of bacteria) , in a twenty...
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