1.9wpg ok with PC lighting?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 15, 2005
Tampa, FL
Ive read the stickies on lighting and saying that the normal WPG range mostly applies to NO bulbs.

I have a 29gal tank that I am setting up as a planted tank and was contemplating the Coralife single-blub Freshwater Aqualight or the Dual-bulb.

1x55w(figuring instead of 65w)= 1.9wpg

2x55w(figuring instead of 65w)=3.8wpg

I have a fully-automatic pressurized co2 system already so Im wondering if the dual might be too much?

The dual light will be like "riding a tiger", a saying for high maintaince, as far as keeping ahead with trimming the plants and fertilizing the tank.. 1.9wpg CF will give you a solid medium light planted tank.. If you have a controller with your pressurized CO2 system you could grow a lawn easy with the dual light strip.. youll just be doing some fert. dosing every day..
Ive actually decided to get the 36" Satellite fixture instead of the 30"

My reasoning:

1.)1x96w bulb=3.3wpg (just what im looking for)

2.)Full coverage over tank (33" bulb, any overlap over the sides can be taken care of with electrical tape of the acrylic cover. I did this on my 20gal to dull down the light {non planted})

3.)I have the 20" Satellite on my 20H and the mounting legs are completly adjustable in their tracks so I can position it over my 29gal)
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