10 gallon low-light with dirt

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I can't really bear sitting next to my tank anymore. The smell is getting a bit rancid :-\.
Fort, I told Jon a few days ago that I wasn't really seeing results. But after seeing this, and how gorgeous and fast my Rotala is growing, I am very very pleased and optimistic.
Water sprite planted. I'm going to leave the tank alone now for a month or so and see how everything works itself out. As the sprite grows, I may put some on the right to avoid an all-too-centered look. Overall, I think I've picked a cool theme for the background and I think the rotala and sprite will look nice all bunched together.

Thanks! Yeah, I am. It's definitely from the sand and stuff not being mixed, though. Today when I was planting, a bunch of bubbles ripped out and let out a very nasty sulfur smell.
Oh, they say that's pretty common. Mine hasn't had that problem. I think its probably because mine soaked for a while. Even though I did it wrong, it seems to be working out well... Glad you're seeing good results. I haven't seen much in my tank, but its much harder to see growth in a 125g as compared to my 40 or your 10. I know they're growing though, since my ludwigia is about 15" tall now with 4-5" runners coming off the stems in all directions.
wow...+1 with jon. I am really loving your rotala...they do look good bunch up together...so cool...very good job.
If I may put in my two cents about the smelly issue- try poking a fork in the sand every few days to release those bubbles or get some malaysian trumpet snails and they'll do it for ya :)
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