10 Gallon stocking question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 21, 2005
Knoxville TN
I recently got a ten gallon tank. I'm hoping to stock it with:

1 German Blue Ram
6 Rummy nose tetras (or cardinals maybe)
3 panda cory or 3 otos

Is this overstocking the tank? And I wasn't sure which to add first if this is ok. I'm adding a seeded filter from a 25 gallon and already have live plants in the 10 gallon. Thanks!
The rams seem to be very sensitive to water quality I'm not sure how one would fair in a 10 gallon with all those other fish. The other choices are great.
I have not found rams to be that sensitve to water quality, but I don't suggest one in this tank. I'd stick with just the tetras and 1 oto.
maybe throw in a few shrimp for clean up and a snail or 2 to make it a little different. i personally love ghost shrimp, i think that they are the coolest thing to watch and they are sooooo cheap. i get them for 5/1.99 which isnt bad.
Rams and Rummynose Tetras are fine together, but I wouldn't put them in a 10 gal tank with each other. I like the suggestion of the ghost shrimp or snails. The Rams that I purchased are doing great and have not had any deaths, but they are sensitive to water conditions. Extra care needs to be taken with them.
Hmm i'm confused about the suggestions.

Would a ram and some snails be fine? or are you guys saying the ram just shouldn't be in a 10?
If you want to keep 1-2 rams in a ten gallon I think it could work. However 10 gallons is small and therefore I wouldn't add anymore fish. The rams are cichlids and you want them to feel like they have enough space/territory. A snail or a shrimp thrown in probably wouldn't make too much of a difference.

Now if you decide against the rams and get corys and otos definitely get a small school of each. They are both schooling fish. You could have a small school of tetras, otos, and corys do fine in a 10 gallon as long as you kept up with water changes.
Ahh ok makes sense now :) Still no clue what I will choose but i'm still letting the plants grow out some so have a little time to think....
Still no clue what I will choose but i'm still letting the plants grow out some so have a little time to think....

That sounds perfect. :D Giving yourself plenty of time to research before purchasing fish is a very good thing to do. It will cause you less headaches in the long run.
Ok think I might wait on the Rams. I have a 75 gallon about to be set up so i'm sure they will be happy in there. :) Now i'm thinking:

6 Tetra(still dunno which but will be a species smaller then 2")

3 corrys(think I can do 4?)

1 snail(can anyone reccomend a good snail that won't eat my plants or breed to an insane number)

Don't think i'll get the otos as the tank has hornwort in it which pretty much should releive me of algae in a 10 gallon but if I do need em I can add them down the road or just pull a couple from my 25g.
lol ok changed mind again!(sure am glad i'm waiting on plants) Going to scrap the snail and go with cherry shrimp. The tetra/cory won't bother them right? How many should I put in?

Oh and thanks for all this help :)
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