10 Gallon tank, Molly has ich

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 9, 2015
Hey now, about 7 weeks ago I set up a ten gallon. I ended up with 3 mollies and one wag tail platy from Petsmart. I was going to get more but, thank god because this turned out to me almost too much. The only warning I got from a girl who worked at the store said that mollies make "a lot of ammonia" So, four fish in that small tank I could see how bad the water got within a few days of a water change. Not good. There is one female Datamation who would chase away the black male molly during feeding. Now, she grew and the black molly keeps getting stress and ich. I blame it on poor water quality and got into this cycle of just doing water changes, then I got a bottle of pimafix. The whole time I kept putting off ordering a new filter cartridge. So I was on the same filter for over 5 weeks and since I did so many water changes and rinsed the filter in my sink I thought it was ok. The last week has been no filter because it says to remove the carbon so the pimafix can work. So, yesterday was sunday and after a long weekend of work I knew the water needed to be changed because the ich on the black molly would not go away and hes floating at the top of the tank!:( When I did the water change, I had my mom help me and we moved the whole tank over a few feet to sit on a brand new stand from petco. So, the water was on the cold side because I figure colder is less likely to spread germs and ich. My biggest fish the silver molly never liked water change. He would always sit on the gravel with his fins down. But, after a few hours would spring back. And the same thing happened with the water change, moving of the tank. He looked stressed, not eating, caught him just floating by the heater. And I thought to myself "this thing will die" Sure enough, around 11 at night I turn off the light because I figure the black molly has stress. I thought by the time I wake up today they medicine will take effect the water will be brand new and clear. And my new filter cartridges will come this week in the mail from walmart. When I woke up today, I turned on the light and my silver molly was dead stuck to the filter. :rolleyes: He was the biggest, he had so much blue color and fun to watch him swim. I gave him so much special color enhancing flakes that even his fin tips were turning red. But, I kept having problems with ich and when I gave them frozen blood worms, the ammonia levels must have spiked and I never got it under control. I kept doing water changes every week or so. So annoying, I know there will be post saying I did this and this wrong. The truth is I was reacting to how these fish were reacting. I over fed them once to many times, one gets ich, I do water changes. Silver molly is stressed, black molly had ich. Remove filter cartridge and add pimafix. Water changes now shock and death. In the future what should I do different? Maybe less water switched when I clean the tank or add hotter water then cold. Is hotter water 77-82 degrees safer then colder? I did a water change and it was mid to lower 70s. I saw my Silver molly floating by the heater. I figure he might die or he could just wait overnight for the heater to warm up the water. He ended up dead. I'm in the process of setting up a 55 gallon tank. This way when i go to replace the silver molly I will do the buy two get one free at petsmart. I just hope I get one just as cute with as much color as the one I had, this is very sad.
Hello, sorry to hear about your ick problems.

1. Best proven method of getting rid of ick: turn the temp up to 86 degrees F. Only turn it up 1-2 degrees every 45-60 mins. This essentially speeds up the life cycle of ick. It should be gone in 3 weeks AFTER the last visible sign of it. I turned up temp up to 90, it essentially kills the ick on spot but is quite risky for the fish (it was my last hope).

2. Mollies get too big for a 10 gallon. It was likely throwing the ammonia out of whack.

3. You said you change the filters? This is a common marketing scam to make money. If you don't know about cycling, your filter pads is what houses all the beneficial bacteria that keep your aquarium running smoothly. By changing the pad, you remove all that bacteria. ONLY remove the pad if it is literally falling apart.

4. If you don't know about properly cycling the tank. I'd suggest that be the first thing you do before getting any more fish. There is two types. Fish-In cycling and Fishless. Two different methods that in the end build up that bacteria in your filter.

Again sorry about the Mollies, it's heartbreaking to lose fish but hopefully we can help make sure you don't lose any more! :)


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Ok, the thing is I read that higher temps help the ich grow so that is why when I did the water change, I used slightly colder water. I swear every time I did a water change, the silver molly would get stressed and a little voice inside said that i should take extra care when adding the new water. I would fill the bucket with as close to 78 degree F water and even use a floating thermometer to double check it was ok then dump it in. I'm not feeling so well the past couple of weeks and I have a tenancy to just do things to get them over with. So, on sunday I woke up from sleeping in, felt bad and then had nothing to do so I just switched 1/2 the water in the tank and moved it. How did i know the cute fish was gunna die?:facepalm: If the water change was so bad then why are the other two still alive? The thing is, I have a heater that is automatic so I can't adjust the temp! I just ordered three boxes of cartridges with 6 filters each. I thought they needed to be changed once a month and this would be a 1 and 1/2 supply. So frustrating because I get these fish and right away. I give them too much food, I have to unplug the filter so its not sucked up every time. They go to the bathroom over and over and I did my water changes. My black molly got ich, I would have been better off leaving the dirty water and just dumping in more pimafix. But, to me that is the lazy way and i just had to "get it over with" and did a 50% water change with cold water and now my little guy died. Plus the other one is still floating at the top. Within the next two weeks I'm getting the 55 gallon set up and that is where the fish will go.
I wouldn't move your fish to the new tank till they are free of ick signs for at least 3 weeks, this ensures you don't introduce ick into the new tank.


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I forgot to mention (silly me!) you can change the filter pad, but it's not recommended unless it's falling apart... If you need to change the pad, stick a new pad in their with the old one. This gets all the bacteria on the new pad, after about 3 weeks take out the old pad. This ensures your cycle is protected.


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Yea I also meant to say, I never did what I should have and to make sure the water was 78 degrees and ensuring the temp was ok by using my floating thermometer. I have three boxes of the filters, I can change them because doesn't the charcoal inside the filter go bad. I'm running a aqua-tech 5-15 filter. I got all my stuff from either walmart, petco, petsmart and the tank was left over from my brother who moved out. This week I have the new heater and air pump will come in for the 55. I need to clean out the stains on the glass, steel brush all the rust and old paint of the stand (it's raw iron painted black), repaint the stand, buy 2 bags of 25 pound gravel, clean the old hood, clean the old filter(barely used aqua-tech from 5 years ago), buy filters, buy a background. Then, if the two mollys and one platty are ich free they can be moved to the 55. And I can replace the silver molly and get a creamsicle lire fin molly and also a wag tail red platty female(buy 2 get one free). The 55 will be mollys& plattys and no pairs so they wont breed. Then, the 10 gallon will be open at that point for a new start.
I thought my fish got sick from not using a new filter so I ordered three boxes!
AquaTech Cartridge 6pk - Walmart.com
Silver Molly | Live Fish | PetSmart
Red Wag Platy | Live Fish | PetSmart
There are a number of things going on here. You added cold water when you did a water change. Mollies especially are sensitive to water temperature changes. Yes, they should have the same temp water put in after a water change. Very important. Do you know about the nitrogen cycle? Is your tank cycled? Do you have an API test kit to test for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates? This should be done weekly, and if the tank isn't cycled, it should be done every day or every other day until it IS cycled. Did you just put the water in there with no water conditioner? The water conditioner helps take out chlorine, chloramine, etc. Most of us on this board use Prime. It's an absolute essential, and should be used with EVERY water change, following directions on bottle.

You are not a bad fish owner--it just seems to me that you don't understand your fishes' needs. Also, mollies grow too large for a 10 gallon tank. Moving the mollies and platies to the 55 would be a good choice. They are less likely to get diseased, as they won't be stressed out by having too little space. When you move them, be SURE to put a USED filter cartridge in the 55 (from a cycled tank). Otherwise, you won't have a cycled tank, and the fish will just keep dying on you. There is a lot to learn, but that is what this board is for, to help you every step of the way. Don't be afraid to continue to ask questions.
You never want to rinse your filters in tap water. Only in used tank water or conditioned water. The chlorine kills your BB.

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