10 galon update!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 26, 2006
Hello everyone!

My first tank, a 10 gallon planted has been up and running withough a hitch thanks to the articles on this forum.

Residents of the tank are:
* 3 silver tip tetras
* 1 Emerald Corry
* 1 golden apple snail
* 3 Otos

Live plants are a tropca sword, and an Anub of some kind.

Filtration is a Marineland Hot Magnum canister (60 gallon rated).

Lighting is a 50watt hqi lamp. Plants are dosed with and iron suppliment.

The first few pics are with the puny Penguin biowheel 150. Here it is:

OLD filtration:



New setup:



Floura / Fauna



Any input or advice is greatly appreciated!
theotheragentm said:
Why is there a knife in the first picture? That can't be good for fish in the tank.

For cheap kicks. Thats the Dive knife i use to scrape Algea and trim my plants.

Besides, it acts as an aditional IRON suppliment. :lol:
looks like you've got a bit of algae... is that BGA? if so, you might want to add NO3 dosing to your tank. is there any specific reason you're dosing iron? usually the macros (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus) and a general trace mix are more useful in a planted tank.
zenkatydid said:
looks like you've got a bit of algae... is that BGA? if so, you might want to add NO3 dosing to your tank. is there any specific reason you're dosing iron? usually the macros (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus) and a general trace mix are more useful in a planted tank.

Cuz im a noob that is flying byt he seat of my pants, and thats what the store had. :D Ill try the NO3 supliments.

Yea, Iv got some Blue-Green Algea going on. I added another snail, and they bolth love the stuff, but there is just a little too much for them to eat.

The water quality seems to be fine. With 5 wpg and diy CO2 injection, the plants are growing well. THe Anub has grown seeral new stems, and the Sword has doubled in size and sent out several new plants.

Maybee i should use some erythromycin phosphate to help get rid of the Blue Green algea?
Well, the bio-wheel is gassing off the co2 in your tank. The solution to the bga is to use like seachem excel, liquid carbon, to provide co2. However, it would fruitless to do so when those bio-wheels are running.
Actually Excel works fine with aeration, it does not gas off. If you are running a CO2 system removing the bio wheel would be a good idea.
A blackout worked well for me to get rid of the BGA but the tank I had it in did not have plants.

While you are at it you may want to visit http://www.gregwatson.com and get yourself set up with with ferts. KNO3, KH2PO4, K2SO4, and CSM+b. 1 pound each will last you a very long time in a 10 gallon tank. At that point you will not need to feed the Iron supplement.

Also, get ready to set up your next tank :) Go ahead and shake your head no all you want...
Well. the motor in my Penguin burned up, so now im using the only other thing tht i had, wich is an elite stingray power filter. I added an airstone to get some airation and surface agitaton.

Minimum hours of growing light and more frequesnt water changes have slowed he BGA down.
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