125 gallon build log

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Isn't that plant the one we bought at Rick's?

Ludwigia Glandulosa.

Tank is looking great man, but you still have that big hole in the back right corner....is the aromatica growing in at all?
You know, that very well could be what it is - I think you're right!

Big hole? Don't you mean "negative space" - lol

yes, you can see the aromatica is peaking out, but it hasn't taken off yet. Everything I put in there intially completely melted, but the new growth has started and that's what you're starting to see peek up over the rocks/wood. Not sure why it hasn't taken off completely yet.

Also one of my anubias barterii is starting to show signs of a deficiency - leaves are starting to lose their outer layer and show in the inner framework. It was just 1 leaf, so I wasn't worried much, but now a second leaf is starting to do it on the other side of the rhizome. My first thought was a K deficiency, but no other plants are showing any symptoms. I'll get a pic for help with it tonight.
New Fish!!!

11 of them, currently acclimating.

wow awesome fish neilan......great colors in the bag even.
Can't wait to see them after they make themselves at home.

what are they?
Some type of rainbow?
Potential Size: Male: 6cm (2.6")
Female: 6cm (2.6")

Water Region: Middle Surface; Middle-Surface

Activity: Diurnal; Diurnal

Gender: Males are generally more colourful and have a longer dorsal fin than females.

Breeding: Not difficult to breed. The Pseudomugil furcatus lays only a few large eggs at a time and the female will lay about 5 to 10 eggs a day. Eggs will be laid in bushy plants or on the substrate. Remove eggs and put them into a small container. Hatching takes 7-10 days. After eggs hatch move fry into a smaller tank with shallow water.

Variants: Comments: A very colourful fish and is a great addition to any community aquairum. These fish grow very rapidly and like fresh water. Very undemanding as long as good food is given to them and regular water changes are provided. The furcata rainbow comes from a highly vegitated ecosystem so provide lots of plants. Plants provide places for the females to hide in which limits aggression. Recommened for community aquariums.

Main Colours: Green, Yellow, Blue

Credit: FishProfiles.com - Pseudomugil furcatus
4/12/08 update

After completing the Ich treatment in my "storage" tank last weekend, today was time to move in some new inhabitants.

Here's some shots from just after lights on. Only 1/2 of the lighting is on during these photos.

In no particular order....






125 FTS 4.12.08.JPG

The Boesmani's really tripped me out. Especially the large male (the one in most of the shots). I've had them for a year now. All the photos I've seen of B's they're deep blue and orange, but mine have always been silver and orange, with occasionally going a little bit blue. Not anymore it seems. What causes the difference in colors?
Those are some amazingly pretty shots, I love the boesmani's. The plants look really good.
Beautiful tank
You're putting together one beautiful tank there Neilan. I'm guessing that the Boesmanis are turning blue because they are overjoyed at their new surroundings. I've seen fish (mainly African cichlids, but it probably holds true for a lot of other types) that never displayed good coloration until they were placed in a comfortable environment where they felt safe. All of that plant cover can't help but make them feel at home and happy :)
I hope it's because they're overjoyed. It may partially be the lighting, but I think it has definately something to do with their mood. In the tank they were previously in, every once in a while they'd get that blue coloration to them, but not often.

The 3 Boesmani's I have for a year now. Started with 4, lost one to a fungus I couldn't cure in QT a long time ago. When I got them they were too young to sex. I ended up with 2 males and 1 female. There's never been any disputes between them, until today.

The larger of the 2 males seems to be laying claim on the female all of a sudden. He cozies up next to her, and is chasing/bullying the other male a bit. Be interesting to see where this leads...

Thanks for the compliments!
After a few days the Boesmani's went back to normal. They're mixed in now schooled with the dwarf praecox, and everyone's playing nicely.

Tanks growing like mad (well, the plants at least). Luckily next weekend is the gwapa auction, cuz I'm in a serious need of a trim out.
I love rainbows........ Used to watch them in streams in Darwin. I get a bit patriotic because they are from this part of the world.
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