1st water change?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 6, 2006
good day:)

How long is it before the 1st water change is needed? and how much water should i remove ? I have heard so many different things! thought to ask what others have done here. i've had the tank going for about 2 months... i have lots of new live rock about 60#s now in 55 Gall tank. I've been checking water weekly the only thing is nitrates @25? everything else is fine. I have now 2 clowns & 1 cardinal. I was told to leave it for 5 months? is this right?
WC are important in SW especially in a reef tank. You can do a wc either weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. If you do them weekly or bi weekly you can do a 5-10% water change. Monthly I would do 15%. You can do more if you want but I would not do over a 40% wc unless its really needed.
mix water in a tub for at least 24 hours before using and bring the temp up to match the tank.
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