20 Gollon Stocking Ideas!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 25, 2013
Azusa, CA
Hello Everyone,
I'm thinking of restarting my 20 gallon aquarium. All of the fish in my 20 gallon will be moved to my 60 gallon except for my ADF.
The tank is a 20 gallon tall with dimensions of 24" wide, 12" deep, and 16" tall.
I want a stock that looks amazing together.
I was thinking of getting:
Blue Emperor Tetra or Threadfin Rainbow Fish but of course i am open to suggestions
a Pair of Honey Gourami, or maybe a Pair of Licorice Gourami, or an electric or german blue ram
1 Bumblebee Catfish
My ADF and maybe a pal
Any more ideas would be greatly appreciated!!
If its a 20 gallon long a pair of rams and some Cory's would be sweet!
Have you ever thought about zebra danio's? They get a bad rep for being aggressive but I have some and they are wonderful!
My 20h stock looks like this: 9 rummynose tetras 7 pentazona barbs 1 male GBR

You could do something along those lines and swap out one of the schools for a group of panda cories. A honey gourami could also possibly work depending on the temperament of the ram. Live plants are always greatly appreciated by rams too.
Alright guys here's the list I Came up with.
9 Threadfin Rainbow Fish
1 Honey Gourami
1 German Blue Ram
3 African Dwarf Frogs ( which I will hand feed every other day)
Do I still have some room or is that good?
Alright guys here's the list I Came up with.
9 Threadfin Rainbow Fish
1 Honey Gourami
1 German Blue Ram
3 African Dwarf Frogs ( which I will hand feed every other day)
Do I still have some room or is that good?

I think that is perfect.
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