20g build

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 10, 2011
Puerto Rico
So now that my 10g shrimp tank and 55g community tank are at the point where I'm satisfied I thought I'd try my hand at a 20g tall hi-tech tank. So here are my plans
Lighting: http://www.aquatraders.com/24-inch-2x24W-T5-Aquarium-Light-Fixture-p/52121p.htm
Filter: Fluval 105
Substrate: Eco Complete
Ferts: going with Seachem planted aquarium dosing chart and editing as need be
Habitants: Single Angel and a pair of veil blue rams. Might switch to pygmy corys but I prefer rams for color.
Couple of slate caves
Co2: Mini Fluval system. I prefer this over DIY due to laziness lol
Plants: Still researching so any ideas would be kewl but going for good ground coverage colorful side plants and some large swords for background. Also looking for a good piece of dw that I can make a tree effect out of.
I'm taking media from my 55g to speed the progress up but mainly plan to have this up and running in the next two weeks. By then my lights should have arrived. Pics will he up as soon as it's up and running.
Does anyone know if there is a difference between the red n black Eco complete other then color

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