29 Gallon Planted Build...Advice Appreciated!!!

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Trying to find information on otto fry is like pulling teeth...
On the flip side I have a list of all the items needed to make my stand. Going to be basically my metal stand made of wood, and wraped in tounge&groove siding. Not sure when I will start framing, but will be picture heavy :)

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
I got fry pictures :D

I will post pictures of the tank tomorrow night. Lights just went out.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
If I smoked cigars, then I'd fire one up in honor of the new hatchlings. But I don't. Congrats!

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Thanks! They hatched yesterday but I was busy working. Tuesday they will go into my 10 gallon to grow out.
Trying to do a water change on a 1 quart jar with those fry is the ultimate game if operation!! lol

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Hope your 10 gal is well established. Those little guys are gonna be hungry for some bio film!

Did you notice a change in appearance of your otos before laying eggs? I've got a very... rotund oto in my tank and I was curious if it was carrying eggs.

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The 10 gallon has been running since Jan 10th or so. I got it at the beginning of the $1/gallon sale.

I didn't really notice a difference, but the otos are always hard to spot, and I could only find 2/3 for a little bit.

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Yeah mine hide all the time. There's two that chill under my blyxa on the glass, but I know I've got three more in there. One of the hidden ones has the big belly.

Exciting to have little ones. You must have made them happy to breed like that.

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Well your tank has really come a long way! Congrats on the hatchlings!

Sent from my iPhone with three hands tied behind my back.
here is the picture. Not much has changed except for the ludwigia has grown to the top now.

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Thoughts on thinning the wisteria, pushing it farther right, trimming the ludwigia, and replanting the trimmings in the vacant wisteria spot?
You can't see it in the picture, but I think my anubias is flowering :) little baby fry and a little anubias flower all in 4 days yup things are good :D
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I'm all for trimming the wisteria! That stuff grows hard!

I've never had any of my Anubias flower. I'm super jealous!

Definitely not wasting time. Nope.
That's probably what I'm going to this weekend. Uproot it all and replant the best stems.
Found a way to get rid of my anacharis...ducks. My sister wanted 2 ducks, so she got 2 ducks and my dad picked up 6 chickens...its a long story.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
That's probably what I'm going to this weekend. Uproot it all and replant the best stems.
Found a way to get rid of my anacharis...ducks. My sister wanted 2 ducks, so she got 2 ducks and my dad picked up 6 chickens...its a long story.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

I hate uprooting stuff but will probably do it again this weekend also. I hate the mess it makes.

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Going to leave my filter running to try and suck up as much as possible. Will do a water change right after to remove more debris. I'm afraid of up rooting my anacharis. I can see the debris laying on top of the substrate, kind of a dead spot in the tank...
Also going to start building my inline diffuser or stand this weekend.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Don't quote me on this but I think they are called fry once they are free-swimming.

I think wigglers still have the egg sack

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Aquarium Advice mobile app
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