29 gallon stocking plan

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 16, 2011
So you all remember my parents' "one fish tank every 2 years thing?" well, that sort if went out the windo with my 20 gallon. And wouldnt you know it? i saw a 29 gallon at the end of someones driveway, with a hood, for free. i figured no harm in checking it out. it has no leaks or scratches! i set it up 2 weeks ago, its doing great, and i got everything. just cost me 3 weeks of raking leaves money. anyways, this is my adventure. heres a rough idea of my stocking plan at the moment. im doing a fish n cycle beCAUSE i cant wait to get some fish in it. heres the plan

-6 cherry barbs
-3 kuhli loaches
-4 otos
-4 nerite snails
-1 angelfish
-1 pearl gourami
-and just because i love em', 4 panda corys

so yeah. thats my plan so far.
Oh, and if youre wondering how i got the, to let me get another tank, thats my little secret. have you ever tried chicken soup?
Please share with me the wisdom of how you get your parents to say yes, my mom said not to ask her for another tank until June and I don't know if I can wait that long :D

As far ad stocking, I would think a fully-grown angel would eat the cherry barbs, IMO. What about the deeper-bodied tetras? Have you given them a thought???

Not sure how the angel and gourami combo would work out, IME it has before but that was because they're very peaceful...
hmm. the angel may eat the cherries? uh oh. what about a red tailed shark? and as for the combo idea, again, how would a shark work out? as for the wisdom. ill PM you. lol.
If you have other tanks, you should be able to bring over some seeded filter media and stock very slowly and never experience much of a cycle.

What kind of filter will you be running on here? It's crucial to take that into consideration when talking about stocking.

No, the tank isn't long enough for a red tailed shark.

I would choose between the angel or the gourami.

I would skip the nerite snails, they will compete with the oto's. Or maybe add only one or two. Oto's can be a bit sensitive anyway. Wait until the tank has matured about 6 months before adding them and you'll have better luck.

Kuhli loaches, like most loaches, do best in groups of 5 or more, so I would recommend stocking atleast 5. They also need to be able to burrow without damaging their bodies so sand for substrate or small smooth stones is a must. They need well oxygenated water so run an airstone or wand for them.
Please share with me the wisdom of how you get your parents to say yes, my mom said not to ask her for another tank until June and I don't know if I can wait that long :D

As far ad stocking, I would think a fully-grown angel would eat the cherry barbs, IMO. What about the deeper-bodied tetras? Have you given them a thought???

Not sure how the angel and gourami combo would work out, IME it has before but that was because they're very peaceful...
Really..have you seen full size cherry barbs? I wouldn't have thought they were at risk for being eaten but you have more angel experience than I...
siva said:
Really..have you seen full size cherry barbs? I wouldn't have thought they were at risk for being eaten but you have more angel experience than I...

It was just an observation when I kept my cherry barbs with my angel before I gave them for store credit. They seemed to hide because the angel (a juvenile) kept herding and nipping at them. JME, it could be different for other people.
If you have other tanks, you should be able to bring over some seeded filter media and stock very slowly and never experience much of a cycle.

What kind of filter will you be running on here? It's crucial to take that into consideration when talking about stocking.

No, the tank isn't long enough for a red tailed shark.

I would choose between the angel or the gourami.

I would skip the nerite snails, they will compete with the oto's. Or maybe add only one or two. Oto's can be a bit sensitive anyway. Wait until the tank has matured about 6 months before adding them and you'll have better luck.

Kuhli loaches, like most loaches, do best in groups of 5 or more, so I would recommend stocking atleast 5. They also need to be able to burrow without damaging their bodies so sand for substrate or small smooth stones is a must. They need well oxygenated water so run an airstone or wand for them.

Darn it! the LFS guy said i could keep 3! I'll choose the angelfish because i already have a gourami in my 25 gallon. Im using the ravel thats like one step away from sand. i already have an air-stone. and filter media is already estabilished. i learned my lesson with otos btw lol. ill probably just add snails before otos, then take them out. ill tweak up my stocking plan.

on an unrelated note, bruins, howd the PM work out?
I worked on it a bit, and heres what ive come up with.

-6 cherry barbs
-5 kuhli loaches
-4 otos
-1 angelfish
-4 panda corys

and what is there room for? i like the looks of the plan now, but it seems a bit empty in terms of free swimming fish...
hmmmmmmmm.... could i get a fish i saw at petsmart this morning? its called a green chromis or something and it loooked like neon signs! it said a school of 3 would be perfect.
Could be wrong but chromis are saltwater, I've never seem freshwater ones.
O M G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they had it in a tank with cherry barbs and plecos!!!!!!!!! i cannot believe it.
mr.waffles1842 said:
certain. i just google imaged the fish and they look exactly the same.

Well that's a problem!!

Although petsmart doesn't carry saltwater, or at least I've never seen one carry saltwater. Might be just in Texas though idk.
i know! either the cherry barbs/plecos are in SW, or the chromises are in FW. either way, OMG!!! im going to have a talk with them in about an hour.
nope. not until now. im inclined to believe that theyve majorly screwed up the order, rather than that they started to carry saltwater.
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