29G Lighting

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 23, 2003
Bethlehem PA
I have a 29 Gallon FOWLR...2 maroon clownfish and a lawnmower blennie. Its also got some hermits, a few mexican grazers, a snail or two, a cleaner shrimp, etc. about 30 to 35 pounds of live rock as well.

The current lighting is a JBJ 65watt power compact.

Is this enough lighting for what I have? At the time, I didn't want to spend twice the amoung for 120+ watts...I will not be keeping corals of any type.
IMO You have plenty of light for a FOWLR.. I would think that you should also have enough if you wanted to maybe get a few shrooms or low light corals in the future as well..

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