29g Setup

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 6, 2011
I get so bored with my tanks and have aquascaped this tank 3 times in a month. I think (even though it's kind of bare) I like this scape best!


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Another shot.


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Unfortunately, no Cichlids. I wish, though! Cherry Barbs and Harlequin Rasbora's.
Thanks guys! Yes, I want to turn this into a planted tank. I'm kind of scared to try, though. I have no experience with plants lol.
Ceej said:
Thanks guys! Yes, I want to turn this into a planted tank. I'm kind of scared to try, though. I have no experience with plants lol.

Try Java Ferns, they grow under almost any light. Tie one to a rock or google super gluing plants.
Get some basic liquid plant food. Add that once a week after PWC.

If you want more plants, tell us your lighting.
It's a 24" T8 8,000k full spectrum daylight.
I don't want to mess will CO2. Too much hassle with a newborn baby and my work schedule lol. i only have PFS mixed with some gravel as substrate.
Nothing wrong with that looks cool. The glow danios must love whipping through all those nooks.
Okay, so, This weekend I'm going to "try" to switch to a planted tank. It'll definitely make this tank look more full. Since I have sand down and I'm not pulling it up to lay down Eco-Complete or the equivalent, what do you suggest I do? What all should I buy as far as root tabs, liquid ferts, etc?
It depends on the plants you want. Some are heavy root feeders, others get their nutrients from the water column.
I want something that will carpet nicely.
I'm not a plant expert, but I believe the majority of the carpeting plants will need CO2 injection. I'll let someone else chime in though.
Wasn't sure if maybe there was something out there or not. Java Ferns to start out with would probably be my best bet from things I've read.
Yep java ferns are great. Anubias is another good low light plant. Swords are good too, but are heavy root feeders. As well as crypts.
Okay, so let's say I go and buy some Java Fern to plant tomorrow. Am I go with just dosing with Flourish Excel or should I be using something in conjunction with that? Everywhere I read on here and other sites say different things. Everyone has their own opinion and ways they think works the best. All I want is healthy plants and fish without co2. I know co2 is preferred, but I'll mess with that another time lol.
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