29g tank seeking active fish... :)

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 25, 2010
My 29g tank has been stable, up, and running for a little bit more than 2 months now. I have 2 chromises, a bicolored blenny, a feather duster, and a peppermint shrimp already in there living peacfully with each other. I would like to add abit bigger more active fish to the tank. Any suggestions from the experienced pros????
Your two chromises should grow to about three inches each. You could get two more or perhaps a couple of clown fish which should also grow to three something inches. IF you choose to buy clowns be sure you don't get maroon clowns. They are very agressive. The older they are the more agressive they get. I saw many choices, but decided on the chromis and clowns who, by the way, swim together all the time.

Some fish need special feeding, some jump out of aquariums, some were too big, yada, yada, yada. My advice is be sure of what you're buying, do some research on the internet and find our a fish's personality. Hope this helps.
I was thinking of adding 2 saddleback ???clowns...The all black with white stripping ones, to the tank but wasn't sure how they would get along with the chromises... I am not a big fan of the maroons anyway so crisis avoided there? How do the flame angles (small ones) fare in peacful tanks such as mine?
IMO all fish have individual personalities. There is not 100% guarantee your fish will match others descriptions.
If its a FO tank I would recommend a dwarf angel. Highly active and very colorful.

Lol this is what happens when you start a post and walk away for 10 minutes. If you don't have coral, an angel is a great choice. Lemonpeel Angels are one of my favorites.
I did recently purchase a small Ricordea from my LFS...but other than that I have no corals as of yet... I am going to wait at least a year so my tank can mature before adding any complicated to maintain or fragile corals. SO I want to stock fish that will be coral friendly... Thanks for all the input folks...

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