3 Gallon - Betta and ADF.

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I understand. I really do think it is borderline. But They are extremely small fish... Much much smaller than most even think. There are a lot of sites that say 10 gal. There are a lot that say 5 gal. There are a few that say smaller than 5 gal.
Yeah, I changed my mind about the betta and ADF.

Also, I decided to keep the rasbora because they're so tiny, that I figured my tank be livable for them. They're even smaller than some of the shrimp! :)
fishguy1 said:
I have 2 ADFs in a 10 gallon and they constantly hunt and harass any fish I put in there with them that is slower and goes near the bottom.

Are you sure they were ADF? ACF are commonly sold as dwarfs and will eat anything that thy can fit in their mouths.
i got the shrimp today!

i asked for 10 red cherry shrimp, but the guy caught about 30 by accident!
i didnt realise until i got home though, but he also caught 4 Mosquito Rasboras, which the shrimp shared a tank with at the shop! also, 1 of the bigger, redder shrimp has a yellow saddle! i took out the mondo grass and just put it in the bin... i couldnt find anything to do with it:/

does anyone know anything about the Mosquito Rasbora?

so i have about 30 Red Cherry Shrimp and 4 Mosquito Rasbora.

thanks, Dan:D

Hah! My lfs sells them 8 for $1. Went in on Monday to get $1 worth and they took the net and swooped it once along the tank. Ended up getting 27. :p
Hah! My lfs sells them 8 for $1. Went in on Monday to get $1 worth and they took the net and swooped it once along the tank. Ended up getting 27. :p

That's exactly what happened, except he caught 4 mosquito rasbora AS WELL as the 27 shrimp, haha:)
Well fish typically aren't full grown when we get them. Good luck with them :)
Agree on that siva, but mine are full grown, and are still smaller than a full grown RCS. Quite a bit smaller actually.
Wow. I think I'll hop on aquabid and ebay right now and see if I can find some. What do you usually pay for them?
Omigosh, and the kuhli loaches I've been looking everywhere for! Thanks Jen!! :)
Are you kidding me...this place has thai micro crabs too..we were just talking about trying to find them everywhere in another thread. This place is awesome!
haha! mosquito rasboras are pretty tiny! i might have to take a look at the micro crabes! i'm not planning in getting any, i'm just curious: )
my rasboras are down to three:'(
I woke this morning to find that one was missing, but was late for school and had to rush off.
When I got back, there ws still one missing. I just found her (I think it was a she) dead stuck behind the filter.:'( I'm very upset. Also after counting the RCS numerous times their colony seems to be around 18-22 , not 30 :)
can anyone think of names for my 3 mosquito rasboras? I think they're a male and two females.

Dan. :)
In a tank that small, it is much harder to keep the water quality perfect. It would be easier with shrimp only, but with the extra bioload of the fish you will need to really stay on top of your water changes to keep the water good enough for everyone to be healthy. Do you have a test kit to test the water?
Regular Pwcs are a must obviously on a tank that small. Is it heated? Temperature flux on a small tank can also be an issue.

I really don't think it is a bioload issue however. 4 Chilis and 20-30 rcs is a lot in such a small space, but not a lot at all in terms of bioload.
I see what you mean but I have had nitrates get out of control on a 2.5 gal even with a small bio-load. You do have to be real diligent with the smaller tanks IME so I think it's worth throwing it out there. I didn't even think about the heat..that's a good point :)
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