3 Identifications - Shrooms, Tentacles, Slug

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 10, 2005
Hi All,

I am attaching 3 pictures. First one is some type of Shrooms. Second is a picture showing some tentacles things that come out of the live rock. I have many many more than shown. Third is some type of neat looking Slug. All of this stuff came on a live rock that my anenome was attached to, cause they couldnt pull him off. No extra charge. :)

Hopefully these are good things to have! Thanks for any help identifying what they all are!

p.s. looks like my pictures went in reverse order, but they are labeled at least. :)
The tenticles look like brittle stars. Thay are harmless and help clean your tank. The others I will pass to someone else.
I agree it's a stomatella varia. Your mushroom just looks like a purple mushroom, the tentacles are from a mini brittle star. They live in the rock and are harmless.
Cool, thanks all for the ID's! :) Glad everything is harmless to the tank, fun to get new stuff like this.
i agree that they are brittle stars. They're great detritovores, and reproduce rather freely when they get going. They will become populous in a system that has enough food for them
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