30 Gallon Tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 15, 2013
Starting everything ground up, I have a few small fish, (2 glow fish, a few tetras and a sword tail. along with an angel) to go in this tank.

I am nearly out of water conditioning chemicals, Does anyone have any reccomendations?

Tomorrow is my trip back to the pet-store. I will be buying a whole new filter, along with chemicals.

What do you guys use? Just want to make sure I do it right this time. I just lost half my stock, and I do not wish to loose anymore. It was horrid.
I use prime and it is the best IMO. A little goes a long way with it.

Also, make sure you take the contents of the old filter and transfer it to the new filter so your tank doesn't re-cycle
I second those suggestions ^

Aside from that I don't know what you mean by "chemicals". You should never add any unnecessary chemicals to your tank. Water conditioner is really the only thing you need to add unless you're going planted or treating for illness.
Well that was my next question.

Is a naturally planted aquarium better than artificial? I know it keeps some water levels in check. But at the same time there are other steps to take for live plants.

What do you guys use?
I use live plants, I don't regret it, it's very fun to watch them grow and all that
I would get live plants
In my opinion it's better. It provides an environment for your fish more like their natural habitat because its a more complete ecosystem. You can never replicate nature exactly, since tanks are a confined space- but it gets you a little closer! It's a lot of fun and very rewarding, but it definitely does require more work than plastic decor.
And $$$
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