3D Backgrounds

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 14, 2014
Does anyone have an opinion about the 3D backgrounds. Would you be able to hide your equipment behind it and it work properly. Such as heater and filter? Has anyone done this. If so can I get some pictures.
My moss wall I made, due to gaps, allowed fish to get behind it but the slim space made it hard for them to get out, so I imagine they would get behind the 3D wall too. (They completely freak out because they get "trapped" and nearly die of stress.) Depending on the design you could possibly figure something out.

I have a 3D background for my 72G to 75G I traded for and haven't had time to get all my tank tubes and wires and plants moved to get it in yet. Then there is the possible issue of mine not staying in place unless I caulk it. Move out fish is possible issue for you.

Hope you would be able to have a dry tank to do the build.
Well I will be getting a brand new set up. I just got rid of my 55 gallon due to a move. I will be setting up a tank when I get to my residence. Starting all over from scratch. Great opportunity to use what I have learned and the knowledge that I am gaining from this forum.
A new 3D background usually will come with clips and if you use the correct silicone and dry time it should work. If you take a look at reef set ups, most will have a built in black acrylic "box" with slatted openings for things you might want to get some DIY inspiration. Sometimes it is just on one side. You can usually buy premade ones or check out some threads or videos on how to make your own.

What size tank are you looking at getting?
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