40 gallon breeder stocking

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 29, 2012
in the next weekor so i will be upgrading to a 40 gallon breeder. i will be moving my 4 inch oscar and want to get him some tank mates. he is currently in a 10 gallon with 2 green cory catfish. i am unsure whether they will stay in the 10 or make the move also.
phishfriend said:
Well, your oscar is going to get big. Some get to 20". So if it is his/her new home then I wouldn't put anything with him really. He's going to out grow that tank in time.

20"? I'm going to nominate that for exaggeration of the month and an early candidate for exaggeration of the year. Oscars simply do not get that large. I've seen a 15 inch at the aquarium and that's about the biggest you will find.

40g is not big enough for an Oscar long term. I'd recommend getting rid of him if 40g is the largest you can get. There are other New worlds that you can comfortably house in a 40b long term.
20"? I'm going to nominate that for exaggeration of the month and an early candidate for exaggeration of the year. Oscars simply do not get that large. I've seen a 15 inch at the aquarium and that's about the biggest you will find.

40g is not big enough for an Oscar long term. I'd recommend getting rid of him if 40g is the largest you can get. There are other New worlds that you can comfortably house in a 40b long term.

Come on! exaggeration of the year!:eek: really! I did say "some" not all. I have heard of 18+ inches oscars. Sadly most kept oscars will in truth never reach that size but not because they cant! most are kept in tanks that are to small.
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phishfriend said:
Come on! exaggeration of the year!:eek: really! I did say "some" not all. I have heard of 18+ inches oscars. Sadly most kept oscars will in truth never reach that size but not because they cant! most are kept in tanks that are to small.

I notice you said "heard" and not "seen", or even better "measured". Last person that reported a 17" Oscar was measuring through a tank using an Xbox case,
5x5 said:
I notice you said "heard" and not "seen", or even better "measured". Last person that reported a 17" Oscar was measuring through a tank using an Xbox case,

Lol ok ok, I give! You are right. I haven't measured an Oscar over 18" only heard of them.

Edit to first post: your Oscar is going to get big. Possible 12"+.

phishfriend said:
Lol ok ok, I give! You are right. I haven't measured an Oscar over 18" only heard of them.

Edit to first post: your Oscar is going to get big. Possible 12"+.


Yes. It's just an amusing topic and comical how the numbers just seem to get bigger and bigger.

To the OP, i'd seriously consider relocating this fish after about 7 inches. At that point, you'll be putting the fish at high risk for HLLE if you are not doing large water changed every few days. You don't want to put yourself through that type of schedule.
You should look at 75 or 90g if you want other fish. IMO the 90 offers the most versatility build and stock wise. plus the footprint isn't crazy. It's just as long as a 55g just deeper which is better for larger fish
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