430 Gallon Triton Cynthia Reef or Predator Tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 3, 2017
Can't decide on whether to go reef or Predator tank? Any thoughts?

430 Gallon Acrylic
Triton Cynthiauploadfromtaptalk1507314169488.jpg
Predator tank. Much cheaper to operate and aquascape. Can match the colors of marine fish with cichlids such as Rivulatus, Festae, Salvini, Red and Green Texas, with a tank that size maybe Peacock bass. IMO Fresh water allows for more aquascaping options at an incomparable better price. Fresh water fish are less fragile, more adaptable, and easier to medicate than their saltwater counterparts. With an investment like yours, a large generator would probably need to be purchased, if a marine reef is selected, to survive power outages. Freshwater setups are more forgiving.
Be sure to update us. I ran a marine tank for a few years. Non predatory. Just Surgeon fish, Angels, Damsels and my favorite, Clown Trigger. Donated most to the local zoo, traded in the valuable ones at my LFS for Discus.
That's spectacular even with no fish!!! You have a great amount of space.

What is your SW predator fish you really would like to keep, maybe build the tank around?

And generator and battery back up would help keep peace of mind for a big fish investment.
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