5 gal tank.. what can go in it?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 21, 2005
Hi. I have a 5 gal tank that I hosted 2 bettas, divided. One of my bettas died, and now I just have the female roaming the tank.

What can I put in the tank to make it more lively instead of another betta (split tank)? I want different fish for a change of pace.

guppies is not good? they're small.

btw, its filtered and heated.
u are better off not going with guppies. u could only have 1 male and maybe 2 female and that wouldnt be a very attractive tank in my opinion. u would be better off with a few neons and a otto. maybe a snail to. it is really worth upgrading to a 10. u have alot more flexibility with stocking. u could keep the same heater and filter u would only need new tank and lights. probably around 25 bucks
I'd recommend some cherry, amano, or ghost shrimp -- they're very lively and fun to watch and add very little to the bio load. Along with the shrimp you could also stick in an apple snail (make sure its a brig, the cana species grow to the size of a baseball) -- they come in many awesome colors and like to be handled.

Look up http://shrimpnow.com and http://applesnail.net

One more thing: its risky adding anything to the tank because your betta may have become teritorial. I'd get a couple ghost shrimp from your local pet store (.30c each) and see if your betta minds their company.
yep start out with some ghost shrimp to make sure the betta isn't going to be territorial, if its not you could go with a couple tiger barbs or something
yep start out with some ghost shrimp to make sure the betta isn't going to be territorial, if its not you could go with a couple tiger barbs or something

unfortunately no.

Tiger barbs need a LOT of swimming space to be happy and a 5 gallon tank will just not cut it.

So what have i personally kept in a 5 gallon?

- a blue knight crayfish (solo)
- a betta with various shrimp (as forementioned)
- 3 threadfin rainbow fish and 2 otocinclus

That is about it.
thanks guys for the tips. I dont have the room for another 10 gal, so I really cant do it.

I'll probably just get another betta. we'll see.
another female betta or maybe two, they don't need seperation. Some girls don't work out together though.

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