5 Gallon FW Build/Journey Thread

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Okay...thank you very much. I guess I have to master balancing out the feeding of flakes. :-\ I will check levels everyday until the ammonia will become 0.5-1ppm then I will put flakes again.
yeah.. maybe add a small amount when you get to 1-2ppm, just so you don't bottom out. It doesn't take many flakes... parts per million isn't much ammonia, and a little goes a long long way.
Hi Ty. I know. I was panicking because the first one this morning was really darker than the 8ppm in the chart. But as fort said, it takes days for the ammonia to register from the flakes I put in, and the last time I put flakes was Sunday..so I guess I have to wait few days till I feed again.

16th day of cycling and 15th day of checking levels:

Ammonia: still 4ppm
Nitrite: 0.50ppm

I am happy the nitrite came back up...I am still monitoring the ammonia closely. Hopefully it will go back down tomorrow.

2/25/2011 LEVELS:

Ammonia: still 4ppm
Nitrite: 1ppm

-transferred the 2 bulbs of lily to my 4.4G
-bought some java moss and wrapped some of them to 3 of the decorative rocks (experimental)

Pictures below of how it looks like:




19th day of cycling, 18th day of checking levels:

Okay, so I still have not been adding flakes since the last time it was high. I checked the levels again today and Ammonia went back up high to 8ppm and the nitrites went up to 5ppm. Is this what they called the "spiking" time and then once it does, it will go back down after? If it isn't, then I am really very confused as to what I am doing wrong.

So I don't know if I did the right thing, but I decided to do a 55% PWC to at least lower the ammonia and I will do another level check tomorrow. I am really hoping it is down by then. I don't want my plants in there to die. :-(
Sounds good. There is still food from before that is still breaking down. Good call on the pwc. Keep the ammonia to 4ppm or less. You are getting closer.
Oh thank you so much for that reassurance....whewww! That means a lot to me. I want this cycling to be done right.

Anyway, one more question. I know I mentioned that I was going to put my betta in here once it is done cycling. The thing is, he died last week. But I am still leaning on getting a betta in here. But I do also want to have a tank mate for him. I know I have been advice to have a nerite snail and ghost shrimps with the betta in this tank...but if I can have at least 4-6 CPDs and 1-3 endlers livebears in my 4.4G, why can't I have a school of neon tetras with the betta? Curious mind wants to know...not trying to be stubborn. I really love the idea of a betta and school of tetras. But if it is not possible coz of my tank size, I will respect that. Was just confuse that I can have more quantity of fish in my 4.4G than the 5G, is all. :) Curiousity, excitement, anxiousness, whatever you call it, I have it. :) So please advice me so I will shut up. :-D
Neons are a little bigger than endlers and cpd's. Since being a schooling fish and needing room to swim, they need at least a 10 gallon.
ahhh good info ty......okay...so if I change my mind and not keep a betta in here, what fishes could you recommend for me?
Theres actually quite a few smaller species of fish that could go in your tank, such as: CPD's, Pygmy cories, sparkling gouramis, and/or endlers livebears.
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