5 Gallon Hex

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 28, 2005
Boston, MA
Several months ago, I went to a wedding where I won the centerpiece... a bowl with a betta in it. I wasn't comfortable putting him in my larger tank, so I bought him a 5 gallon hex. He never really looked that well from the very beginning, but he did last about 4-5 months and just mysteriously passed away.
Are there any other types of fish that are ok in a small 5 gallon? I hate to leave it empty... if not, I'll get a new betta.
a betta is a good choice. u may also be interested in trying something like shrimp and snails. some people also try guppies in a tank that small but u can only have maybe 2. what kind of light is on the tank? if it has an incadesent bulb u could switch it out for compact screw in then try some low light plants. i personally think that a betta is the best choice for 5 gallon hex tanks. but a betta in a planted tank would be very happy. plus i like pushing people into planted tanks :) lol
I second mr funk's ideas of a betta or shrimp. Cherry shrimp are really pretty little shrimp that would be great in that size tank. Does it have a filter? If not, you can buy small filters that are made for 5g tanks.
It's an eclipse system... so it has a filter built into the tank. The light is the regular cheapo light that comes with it too.
I used to have one of those 5 gallon hex tanks. Definitely replace the incandescent bulb with a 10w compact fluorescent and you can put some live plants in there. There are some fish that will do well in a tank that size besides the betta. I've kept several cherry barbs and harlequin rasboras in there before.
I vote Betta plus heavy planting :)

I also agree that changing the bulb out for a CF is in your best interests do to the temperature fluctuations incandescent lighting can cause.

Good luck!

So what's the regular cheapo light? Is it a standard screw-in incandescant? The specs say 15W inandescant, which seems extremely small.

I would say most people are too critical of hex tanks. My 30 gal. hex fits plenty fish just fine -- I just had to be careful to get fish that would occupy different levels and not be all crammed together.

You do have to consider the width of the tank, though, and a 5 gal hex is going to be pretty limited. Still, the 5 gal Eclipses aren't as tall and skinny as most hexes.

I've heard people say bad things about the tiny Bio-Wheels in those eclipse systems. The specs for the 5 gal hex say it filters the water 7 times an hour. 35 GPH isn't that impressive.

It's hard to get a small tank with enough life in it to be interesting. Personally, I'd get the biggest light you can, get 3 or 4 big bunches of anacharis (have to trim it a lot) or dwarf sag (not as easy to find), a mystery snail, a betta, and 3 ghost shrimp. None of those are things you have to worry too much about your parameters with.

Once your tank is pretty established and you know your parameters are stable, you could stick two dwarf platies in there. People tell you not to put much besides bettas in small tanks, but you just have to know what you're doing. The hard part is finding fish that are small enough to put in there that will do OK without a large school, since most things that will fit in a 5 gal. get pretty touchy if you don't have at least 5 of them. Ottos would also work, but they can be touchy, and you probably want more "normal" fish. A betta and 2 dwarf platies would still be a little under your generic 1 in/gal rule when full grown, and I don't think a snail ever overstocked anybody's tank.

Some bettas like to eat snail feelers, and some platies just like to bite at snails constantly. All of my bettas have been very friendly, though, and the only fish that have ever picked on my mystery snail were my swords.

I've got a wide 5.5 gal with 3 lemon tetras and a betta in it which have a lot of color and seem happy, but most people would say that's a bad idea and I'm not sure that I'd recommend it. The tetras I have play around in the plants, follow the betta around, and are much brighter than they were in the LFS (but I guess that was crammed in a 10 gal. with 20 other tetras and no plants). Most people say that tetras will normally get stressed out, skittish, aggressive, lose their color, or whatever if you only have 3 of them. I guess I got lucky, because they really don't seem unhappy.


I don't think there's anything wrong with my 5.5 gal. It's hard to get a pic where they're not all wandering around in the plants. They seem to have plenty room.

You should be able to come up with something that doesn't involve guppies or just a single betta.
I second the suggestion to replace the incandescent bulb with a screw in CF. Those incandescent bulbs tend to really fry your tank, especially in a tank that small. I had that exact same tank, and I would recommend that you really keep up on your filter maintenance. I had to tear mine down because the filter broke after some time. It was my fault and I should have cleaned the filter more often.
The Eclipse Hex5 comes with a 15W compact flourescent, I have one. I have 3 neon blue endlers in there, and they seem quite happy.

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