5 Gallon Planted Tank

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They'll use any kind of cover, including floating stuff. They spend a lot of time suspended under floating plants.

I put some plants in there last night just in case, and you were right! I woke up this morning and one was hanging out up there! :) Thanks!
EDIT: Two of them were now! :)
Too bad I have to take those floating plants out for the pennywort and riccia fluitans... :/
I am temporarily moving the dwarf baby tears to my 20g with 2x24w T5HO. I moved my brazillian pennywort in, and I might also move over some riccia fluitans. Pictures soon
No more co2 stuff or drop checker for a while... :) That brazillian pennywort will grow a lot and hopefully provide some cover at the top for these fish. For the past 3 days, I had only been seeing 4 of them. So today I decided to look in the filter and found one. She was alive! I hope she will be ok. Because of that incident, I out a sponge on the intake.
One of the males turned really dark colored... I will get try to get a picture
LOL I caught them snuggling again. I am starting to see new growth on the brazillian pennywort (the plants they are resting on)! :) I can see little buds.
maxwellag said:
LOL I caught them snuggling again. I am starting to see new growth on the brazillian pennywort (the plants they are resting on)! :) I can see little buds.

Haha cool pic!
All these pictures I have been taking are from my phone. I really should use my good camera. Haha.
Austin.b said:
What does it mean when they color up?:)

When the males get really colorful (in this case dark body with bright blue fins) to show off for the females
WOW, I am posting all kinds of pictures today! I took out the dwarf sag and other plant and put in some java moss. I already saw a female hiding in the moss.
The pennywort bud started opening! :) Yay! It is growing a lot faster than I thought.
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Here is the moss
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He says "wanna bite?" haha
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This camera focuses better than my phone but can not focus zommed in at all. I need one of those expensive ones. LOL
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