50 g new planted

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 9, 2015
Plants only in a week, no co2, just ferts & root tabs medium lighting. Amazon swords x 3 coming Monday. Time will tell, dwarf grass and water lettuce going in later in the month. Might make the move to co2, undecided as of yetImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1431253331.348204.jpg

3 clown loach
1 angel
4 guppies
1 golden gourami
4 neons
3 mollies
4 albino tiger barbs
3 corydora

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I'm sure you're aware, but those clown loaches will outgrow that 50 gallon tank.

Also, you'll make the switch to co2 haha.
What's your plant list as of now?

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I never intended to have loach but one hitched a ride in some Java/bogwood so I had to get him some friends

Java fern
Val (I think)
The rest I am unsure as they were all bought as a bundle

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Yes I know, one hitched a ride in some planted wood that I bought so had to get him some company

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Java fern
Dwarf grass (I think)
Unsure on the rest as they were bought as a bundle

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Thanks. Once the plants take & fill out I will be happy

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