50 Gallon aquarium advice.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 4, 2005
Hamilton ontario
Figure i might as well do this, seeing as this can be my intro post to. 17 M from ontario canada, on a few other car and paintball forums, and have a 50 gallon tank that i bought used of some guy. Anyway, i have 5 neon tetras, 3 red phantom tetras, 2 blue gourami's, one chocolate pleco, 3 brilliant rasboras, 3 zebra danios, and 3 head to tail tetras, i wanted to get some blood fin tetras, but i can find them anywhere. Thanks and hope i enjoy my stay.
all of your tetras would like to be in schools of 5 or more.. i like 8 esspecially with a 50 gallon tank.
Yah I'd boost up those tetra numbers also. I found that when I kept cardinals in a school of 7 they had awesome colours but when some had died there colours went duller.
Good Luck
Welcome to AA :multi:

great combination of fish, like both of them have already said i would kick up the numbers to about 5-8, it will look fantastic!

Great selection of fish. It's rare to find a newbie that has stocked a tank like that. :D I agree with the others, increase the number of Tetras, Rasboras, and Danios to at least 5 of each.
I sometimes find it funny how often a question is asked and not answered - instead alternative (and very good) advice is given.

Your best choice is to ask your LFS to order them for you. I get the impression that most shops will order any of the somewhat common fish.

Next choice would be to find a local aquarium club of some sort.

A lot of people buy fish online (VERY wide selection), but shipping is ridiculously expensive when you are buying cheep fish.
hashbaz has the right idea.. Ive found that almost all mom and pop LFS will order anything they can get through there distributor for you.. :p

WELCOME TO AA!!!!! :p :p :p
Well the danios and the rasboras school together, and the red phantoms just kinda shacked up with them. So i have a school of 9 fish, then the neons just kinda hang around at the bottom they dont really school, and the One bigger danio chases aroudn the smaller danio. I think its killing it :evil:. It already killed another one i had. I hardly ever see the pleco, and the catfish enjoys swimming up and and down in the tank. Oh, the rasboras and the red phantoms enjoy swimming down in the bubbles that i have, then let the bubbles float them back to the top. Its quite amusing to watch.
i had tetras at one point but i only had to so they were very agressive. i agree with most of them that u should add more because they will be better off nd it will really improve the look of your tank. u have the room take advantage if it! i was also wondering what kinda of paintball u into? woods ball, speed ball? what kinda gun you got? i am a fellow paintball junky so i was interested
Yeah, like eveeryone said, get more. They are schooling fish. When I had tetras it was funny to watch them all move at the same time. I'm impressed at your tank too, is this your first?
It is MY first, my mom had a 10 gallon a while back, but i have been pretty much controlling what is going in there (except the damn snails, i still am unsure how i got those...do snail eggs survive out of water?) Tomorrow i will praobly go out and buy some more of the red phantoms and head to tail, that way i will have 5 neons, 5 head to tails and 5 red phantoms. i don't relaly think i need to get more rasboras or danios, they schooled from the very beginning when i put the danios in the tank (rasboras swam right up to the bag and just kinda hung around it). I also want to get a tri coloured shark, the last one i had had or got ick, and gave it to my normal phantoms :evil:. Plus that fish cost me alot of money. Ah well, tis an interesting hobby. I haven't paintballed in quite a while, i usually play rec ball with my buddies out in a forest by my house, i used to have an upped cocker, but now all i have is my good ol' reliable piranha VTL, and a pt extreme jr. And is there anyway from keeping that gourami from killing my smaller female one? i called it a danio before, meant gourami :? And i can theoretically put 50 fish into this tank right? 1 fish per gallon? because it would seem incredibly cramped in there if i did :?

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