5000-7500-10k gal pond??? Planning Now

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
I can't find my pond book right now so I am asking for some assistance.

Going to put in a pond and am trying to understand in a very simple way how to estimate the size and how many fish it should contain. I need to see where it will fit in the yard.

Not a math scholar...

Is there a simple formula to figure this out? or does anyone have a basic knowledge of how to figure/understand this? 8x10x4 deep for example = how many gallons? 10x12x4 deep=how many gallons?

I have got 4 little butterfly Koi and 4 feeders growing in my little pond and need to make sure they have a nice place to live, but I would probably want a few more.

Mr. and Mrs. Dragonfish71 have re-inspired me with their beautiful pond and my little guys are growing and need a new home so I want to get planning!

Also what are the best ways to handle children and safety and predators keeping it attractive???
If it's square or rectangle, just multiply all 3 sides(in inches), and divide by 231. So, if it's 10x10x10, its 120x120x120 = 17280000 / 231 = 7480.52 gallons.
I'm not a math guy, sorry. But with small kids, a shorter white Pickett fence around the pond might be the way to go. As far as predators go, it's nature, you need to expect a few losses here and there. But a pellet gun will do the trick. Your aim with this is to not hit the critter, but shoot close enough to scare them off.
soft (Foam) pellet gun

No bloody raccoons and maybe no raccoons at all.

Maybe that would do the trick! But catching them in the middle of the night, raccoon for example. Love to eat Koi sushi at night. That is why I am worried about them. The area I will be living is near open space and lots of wild life. Like Herons too

I know that is one reason why you make it deep so fish can hide also and rock crevices and overhangs of rocks but raccoon will go in streams of course.

I saw a huge one eating cookies on my back porch one night when one of my kids left the bag on the porch!:eek: They really love ginger snaps!

Now I have a temporary above ground, preformed pond with netting and I put plastic lattice over the top again after I saw Jumbo the raccoon hanging around. It was an experiment in filtration with a trash can filter. But for a built-in pond I would like it to look more natural. Haha and not trashy!!! jk, trash can is "hidden".

Maybe a waterfall falling into a shallow natural stream running into a big rectangle pool/pond, I can put a fine, hopefully nearly invisible wire mesh over.
size options

10x12x4 pond = 3591 gallons

12x15x4 pond = 5386 gallons

How many Koi could fit into either size ponds? Planted. Good filtration, will size to Koi needs.
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