55 gal. startup

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 19, 2011
Have had a ten gallon for a month or so just got a 55g tank need advice in lid, filter, and light
Freshwater, and thanks so all I got was the tank. workin in a budget tryin to get set up this month cycle next and have fish for Christmas ! What kind of hood prevents evaporation the best, how many watts should my lights be, how many watts should the heater be, and to keep a really really pristine water quality what's my best bet for filters was thinking one hanging and one canister found some on Craigslist
Just get 2 Aquaclear 70s for a total of 600gph at most (probably less). That is decent filtration, but you could add more if needed. Even with the best filters, you will need to do weekly water changes to keep pristine water conditions.

I have aqueon and marineland heaters. I heard fluval has a good heater too. Most heaters are pretty reliable. If your home is in a cold environment, then get a heater that can heat up your tank. If your home is always at a steady warm temp of around 76F, then you could get an undersized heater. Your heater will last longest if it turns on/off less often (duration does not matter).

As for light, get at least 55w fluorescent light in your tank. You may end up getting some starter plants like java moss and fern, so leave yourself available to upgrade if needed. Do you want plants? Don't pick a substrate yet, and leave your tank bare bottom. It will help if you decide to get fertilizer, sand, gravel, or a mixture of some of those in the future. Its too early to decide.

I don't know about hood that minimizes the most evaporation, but I do know that your water won't evaporate too fast. Since your tank is FW, you will need to do water changes every week anyways, so no need to be concerned about evaporation.

The more research you do about the things you want in your tank, the more decisions you will be able to make on your own.
I was looking online at lights that go in top.of a cut glass or plexiglass? lid with canisterfilter and heater or is it better to buy a plastic hood with built in lights
What kind of canister and heater?

Its nice to look at other people's tank so that you can get a better idea of what you like and don't like. I personally like those plastic hoods with lights.
:welcome: to AA! :)

Technically evaporation isn't going to stop with a hood. Water will find some way to evaporate out of the tank one way or another.

As for filters, I say AquaClear, very reliable and customizable.
Heaters I'd say Aquaeons or Aqueaon Pros, they're real good. Be careful with Marineland, they're on re-call because they've been breaking.http://www.aquariumadvice.com/forum...stealth-and-stealth-pros-recalled-140829.html
Found an aquaclear 50 and a rena xp2 think that is sufficient for my tank
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