55 gallon aquarium

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 30, 2006
If my mother keeps her promise, by the end of the month not only will I have a 30gallon, but Ill have a 55 gallon.
I wanted to know what fish are most suited for this aquarium and are setting them up easy?
A 55g open's up lot's of possibility's when it come's to fish,It just come's down to what you like,As for setting up they are pretty much just like any tank,What's good about the 55's is they are a decent size and pretty easy to maintain,As long as you have a good filtering system and keep a weekly schedule for a light cleaning and partial water change you won't have to do much of anything else what so ever :D
My friend said oscars, But I dont know. I mean I love oscars, thay are interesting and beautiful fish, But for a 55gallon I dont think Id have over 2 oscars, and as for Pacus the get just as bigger if not bigger. Id also need a pleco.
As far as set up, I was thinking Drift Wood and maybe a skull if not one of those 2 piece big shipwrecks Ive been seeing.
I have a 55gl and I have it based around pictus catfish. Im a sucker for the whiskers. They have a rep for being naughty little things and snacking on fish. They are hunters. This is what I did. Give you an idea.

2 spotted pictus
2 four-line pictus - these get bigger then the spotted so I would suggest staying with spotted cause mine are growing like horses! The spotted pictus grow much slower and get to about 6" the four-lines goes beyond that and their look really changes when they age.
8 Serpae tetra - good color and fun to watch.
8 White skirt tetra - pretty fish and adds a pretty white in my tank
4 glass tetra - they school with the white skirts no problem and are different to look at
3 bleeding heart tetra - school with the serpae as they look the same different colors.
1 apple snail
1 tiny black snail
1 small common pleco - I know many say you have to have a huge tank for a pleco but I dont see anything wrong with housing them, giving them a loving home and giving them back to the LFS when they get to big for your tank and starting with a small one again. IF you trust your LFS. I am unsure at this time what I plan to do for sure. I trust my LFS 100% if I take my pleco back at a larger size they will give him a good home. They have several and dont just sell them to anyone. I may be getting a large tank so I am still undecided. Depends on how much this four-lines top out at. lol

I do 50% PWC every week with my python and gravel vac every week due to the pleco poo and my four-lines being messy and bigger. This keeps my tank is great condition.

I bought these types of tetra to cut down the "risk": of them being supper to the pictus cats. There is not sure thing though, as they have been known to eat pretty good sized fish. I have had no problems though. Do not get like neon tetras though as those are the most common reported snacks for pictus cats. Tetra are common and basic so if a pictus eats them, it would be sad but I also will not be losing an expensive fish.

pictus cats hide a lot, so you need hiding spots and they come out after lights out a majority of the time. My tank looks like a tetra tank until lights out. Those times I do see my pictus come out its amazing and I enjoy it.

One of my four-lines hiding spots is under a skull, lol, I dunno what she is going to do when she cant fit under the skull anymore. The other four-line calls a wrecked ship home. My spotted pictus both hide in the logs I have in there.
parrots would be fine IMO. BUT you do have to know that they have very weak bladders because of the way they are bred, espessially the bigger "round" ones
Well, they have one thats for a 55 gallon and its in a nice sized box. I figure you have to put it together.
Well, they have one thats for a 55 gallon and its in a nice sized box. I figure you have to put it together.
Also, I went to pets mart not to, to long ago and saw needle fish. Would I be able to put them into a 55 gallon?
tropicfishman said:
everybody knwos what I'm gonna say lol RED TAIL SHARK!!!!! lol there awesome fish lol

yeah them and the albino rainbow shark - gives a nice white/pink hue to any darker tank, and they are pretty fun to watch too.
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