55 gallon - live plants - lots of loaches!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 3, 2004

55 gallon tank
2 x 15watt fl lights
Current-USA 2x65watt Satellite cf lights
aquaclear 300 filter
pool sand for substrate
2 x medium driftwood pieces
1 x rock planter
1 x fake hollow tree stump in middle of tank
Plants: java fern, amazon sword, vals, cabomba, red ludwigia, red myrio
fish: (1)redtail shark , (3) yo-yo loaches , (3) botia rostrata , (2) botia angelicus , (3) gold guarami , (1) gold nugget pleco , (1) rubber nose pleco , (1) borneo suckerfish loach , (1) x dwarf neon rainbow , (2) mickey mouse platys[/img]
cool i was just wondering cause i cant get a lot of the fish i see on this forum
yeah, I saw a gold nugget at my lfs ... but it was $30 ... and I didn't think I wanted to spend $30 on just one fish. So, when I found it for $13 it seemed like a good deal. Unfortunately, I've managed to lose both of the gold nuggets that I bought ... which is odd to me because I haven't lost any of the other fish in my tank. :(
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