55 Gallon Plan

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 8, 2012
Toronto, Canada
I'm new to this hobby, currently have a 20Gallon tank and am thinking about asking Santa for a 55Gallon.
Current stock is 6 Dwarf Spotted Danios, 3 Peppered Cory Cats, 2 female Platies, and 1 Dwarf Gourami. I have a mix of silk and real plants, with pea gravel substrate. It's filtered by 2 AquaClear 20 HOB filters.

The new aquarium comes with a TopFin 60 filter, and I will be using a sand substrate. I don't think i'll be adding extra stock for the first couple of months (so my wife won't have to change the water for the 10 days i'm away in Feb.).

My plan is to run the TopFin 60 filter along with both AquaClear 20s for a couple of weeks to let the '60 absorb some of the bacteria. Then remove at least one of the '20s. Will this be enough to seed the TopFin 60? I've read that pouring some of the old substrate into a pantyhose leg and leaving in the corner might help with the bacteria.

Should this work? Does anyone have better suggestions?

And for fun, here's my EVENTUAL stock plan (that will probably change by the time I stock it at the end of Feb):

8 Dwarf Spotted Danios
8 Peppered Cory Cats
1 Dwarf Gourami
5 Platies (all female)
1 Bristlenose Pleco
8 Neon Tetras
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