55 Gallon Planted Journal

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 13, 2011
Gladstone, Virginia.
It all started with my BFF sending me a picture of her new betta. :) I said, "Wow, that's a great idea, that's just what I need:FISH!"

Since that day, earlier this week, I have decided to pull my unused 55 gallon from the basement, and turn it into a glorious underwater garden. I'm going to try to take it slow, and do it right, and keep this thread updated on my progress!

I've ordered the lights, and they should arrive this coming Thursday. Per members' advice, I bought 4" T5 HO fluorescents, 10K bulbs, from fishneedit.com. I'm ultra excited, and planning on going out today to look for pool filter sand. The LPS has some plant substrate, so I haven't decided on miracle grow or mixing the substrate in with the PFS. Also on the list is bringing up the stand and tank from the basement and cleaning it out. It previously housed one tiny lionhead goldfish, who I was really attached to. When he died (disease :() I gave up on fish for a while.

So, here's to new adventures and beginnings!
Thanks for the idea and link! Pretty much all they have at the LPS is Flourite and some reef sand :( Sometimes living in a teeny place really sucks :)
Glad to see a journal. I love seeing progress! Looking forward to seeing some pictures.

You can use PFS all by itself like I did in my 40 breeder... you can do a layer of dirt then sand... that's a lot more work and will take a good month before you realize you made a good choice. Then of course you have the flourite/eco/aquasoil/etc. Really, I think it all depends on how much you want to spend and what look you like best. I'm kind of liking the aquasoil look, but it is hard for me to justify spending so much money on substrate since I've been spending $2 for a 50lb bag of PFS.
Moved the tank up from the basement! Looks like I've got a lot of cleaning ahead of me! Maybe my Rottie will assist me? ;)


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That's not too bad. You should have seen my 150 when I first got it! Razor blades and bleach or vinegar will get it straightened up. Also, don't forget to leak test the tank somewhere where 55g of water won't hurt anything if something were to fail.
It really isn't THAT bad...I did find a DISGUSTING and HUGE (dead) spider in there. :) Leak test... I suppose I'll fill 'er up outside with the hose and then dump that water. I'm really not prepared and feeling glad that I haven't already bought the fish like a newb!

I'm thinking about a couple of bags of flourite plus the PFS. Should I layer it or mix it together?
Bleach (10% soln) should be fine as long as I do plenty of rinsing?
How soon after I get water and lights (no CO2 or proper filter) can I add some plants? :) I want to eventually by a canister filter but right now I just have about 3 HOBs.
I don't think mixing pfs and flourite would be a good idea... wouldn't look right IMO. But, I've never seen it... I just can't visualize it looking good.

10:1 bleach solution will work... rinse very well...while you're leak testing, add 5 time too much dechlor in the tank. That'll make sure its good to go.

Add plants whenever. Just be aware that if you have high light, you'll have algae problems until you get the co2. Probably a good idea to go ahead and get your canister and co2 on the tank before setting it up. But, you can try without.
That is soooo true!

How many bags of PFS do you think I'll need? How deep does it need to be? Seems like the usual 2" won't be sufficient for root systems.

Another question...When I buy my canister filter, what else do I need to buy to go with it? :) I was looking at this one Any thoughts/advice/suggestions?
I don't much care for those. Look at a Rena XP3 or Fluval 405. The eheim pro series is too much IMO, though I have one on my 40. The old design like that I do not like.

Start with a bag of PFS. If its not enough for your liking, get another. I think 2 bags would be too much, but 1 bag might be a little less than optimal
There's something wrong with that. I paid $2 for 50lb bags at Meijer, which apparently there aren't any in VA. Google pool supply stores and your zip code. They almost always have it.
I know! I could practically ship in soil from the Amazon for that! :)

Pool supply stores are closed...but I guess I can wait :)
I would layer the fluorite, and then on the out side line it with PFS so then it all looks like sand, yet you still get nutrients of the fluorite...that is if you don't like the layered look...
Layering is a hard thing to do. I layered dirt and I hate it every time I do anything in the tank. The benefits are there, though root tabs will basically do the same thing as flourite, but the pro's don't quite outweigh the cons IMO.
Oh I guess that would be an issue if you're an avid re-arranger...with sand how often do you vac the actual substrate?
We tried two Wal-marts, neither of them had PFS, although the 2nd had pool sand filters. I'm a bit discouraged because by the time we got to Lowe's, the pool shops were closed, and by the time we finished at Walmart # 2, I couldn't even buy flourite because the pet stores were closed! I did manage to yell at 2 kids who were beating on the glass in the hideously over-crowded fish tanks in Wal-mart though! I can't believe they sell fish. The bettas were stacked on top of each other-how're they gonna breathe if you cover the air hole?!

So in all, it was a disappointing trip, although I got some new beer to try and some cool succulent plants (I had to settle for non-aquatic species!)

I think I'm going to skip the dirt and use the gravel I've got, plus either flourite or PFS/root tabs, depending on whether or not I can find any in town for less than 25$/25lbs. I cleaned the tank out and put a thin layer of regular gravel on the bottom. I rinsed the gravel as best I could with nuclear hot water and sponged the tank with bleach sol'n. Oh, thant was another thing. Couldn't find a darn aquarium safe sponge anywhere! All of them say" NOT FOR USE IN AQUARIUMS" Another pet store-only product? I wasn't willing to ruin any of my dish towels...so paper towels and a mystery sponge that didn't have the warning, but maybe only because they were too cheap to waste the ink for printing it.

I don't rearrange a lot but I don't want a mud pie every time I do or when I do a water change/siphon. Jonathan, does your layered tank turn "muddy" every time you do something in it?

Thanks for the suggestions, btw, much appreciated! <3

Oh! I was thinking about supplementing my T5 ho's (heehee) with some regular 6500 bulbs (24" 20W(?) At walmart for~ $7)...we'll see how my algae/plants do with just the T5's and the CO2 first.
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