55 gallon reef tank.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 14, 2012
Can I keep a yellow eye kole tang in my 55? I know they call for at least a 70 but the length of a 70 and a 55 I believe are the same. I got nothine but live sand live rock and 2 black jollies and 2 hermit crabs helpin to cycle my tank. Gonna be a while before I get him if I can. Would like to have one or two larger fish to look at. Any suggestions?
If you are concerned with the long term well being of the fish, then no. I would not put any tang in a 55.
Are there any large colorful fish I can put in there? Would like 2 or 3. When I say large I'm talkin 5-6 inches full grown.
Are there any large colorful fish I can put in there? Would like 2 or 3. When I say large I'm talkin 5-6 inches full grown.

Honestly, I don't know of any saltwater fish that size you can keep in a 55 and I've been doing this for 15 years. I'm not saying there aren't any because quite honestly, "you never know what you don't know" however, with that being said, kind of think of it on the terms of keeping a big dog in a 10 x 4 run and never letting it out to exercise. It's sort of along the same lines. Then throw in a poodle or two, a little house for it to sleep in, and you've just cut that space back. Yes...I know...it really sucks. Trust me, I had to downgrade from a tank 3x's of my 55 now due to the weight. If you find anything really cool then let me know!! Sorry this wasn't much help!

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