55 gallon sump help!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 1, 2011
ok so im trying to design a sump for my 55 gallon freshwater. im not going to drill the glass im going to use a pvc overflow to let the water exit the tank. i want a 20 gallon sump but my stand doesnt allow me to fit one in there so im going to use two ten gallon tanks to make one sump. im going to set one ten higher than the other and let the water from the display tank flow into the one and then let the water from the one ten gal to flow into the other ten where there will be a return pump back to the display. my only problem is i dont know how i should connect the two tens because i cant drill them i dont think. should i just make another pvc overflow to connect the one ten to the other or what should i do seeing i cant dill anything.
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