55 stocking suggestions SA/CA

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mikeISright said:
Yes i agree, i always pick as i call it a "centerpeice" and usualy have less colorful fish to accent them. And yeah i understand what u mean about getting tired of cichlids that are aggressive. My blood parrot is a nasty little bugger. What do u think would go good with a delhezi or senegal bichir? And i have time for my fish and i put a lot of time into them but probably not enough to keep discus. Thanks

Man oh man you like big predator fish huh that's cool I do to I just can't afford to go any bigger then my 55 gal the delhezi will prob kill/eat anything it can so you will need other big fish to live with him like maybe clown knife fish other huge things but again your 55 gallon isn't big enough for that
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Alright. And again this is not a permenant home. Are there any other cichlids you have connected with or thought you would like to try in a 55. Again being with a senegalus because i think i better role out the delhezi for good. I would like to have (im pretty sure at least) 1 SA/CA and 1 bichir. Also say i went the angels route. How many could i keep? And with what else?
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Angel fish tanks can be beautiful and they are pretty peaceful. people say they get aggressive as they mature but I've had many with very little problems I'm actually in the process of setting up my 37 gallon with some for my girlfriend angels are her favorite
About how many could i keep in a 55 gallon? And that being with a bottom feeder and some schoolers. How big and how fast do they grow?
Oh yeah! I say go with angels they're affordable and the colors vary a lot so you can get all kinds of them in a 55 gallon I would say 6 full grown ones but that's full grown which means huge so I would buy some little guys get like 10-12 of them u can mix all kinds of stuff in with them but be careful angels have long lavish fins so no fin nippers but their is lots of stuff still like neons(the natural prey of angels) people say they eat them I have them together right now no problems and mine are full grown. Gouramis can bight but try it out I had some in big tanks with no prob at all catfish obviously, loaches, knife fish, male Betta fish I love them in a community tank and they never bother anyone just make sure their isn't to much current in your tank because they aren't string swimmers
They grow moderately fast like prob 12-18 months before they get close to full grown that's in warm waters to it seems to me the warmer the water the faster they grow but Angels are one of my favorites next to the good old discus lol (which u should try lol cause they're friggin awesome)
Alright thank you very much. I will look into them some more. Dont be suprised if i ask some more questions later. Thanks so much again!
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Yeah no prob at all I love this app just send me one of those direct messages if you need anything at all more then happy to help out! Add fish slowly!it makes a huge difference in your fishes health for some reason if you add a lot at once their immune systems seem to drop rapidly and even the weakest of bacteria can wipe them out good luck
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Alright going back to earlier (dont worry i have the angel idea already down, i just want some other opinions). Would a JD and a bottom feeder work in a 55? Or say a pair of FMs or a pair of salvinis. Maybe even a couple jewels? Again i really really love bichirs and i have always wanted to keep one. How hard are discus to keep?
You could do 1 JD and a bichir but I would do a JD featherfin catfish and maybe a BN Pleco if you have lots of filtration.
I don't see any problems with a jack Dempsey in a 55 gallon tank and he might tolerate a bottom feeder I used to have one ad he lived with a pleco just fine to answer you on the discus I don't think it's that hard but it is more work. First off I do 50% water change twice a week so be ready for that. I find they do best at 86 degrees and the only other thing I do special is keep granulated peet moss in my filter my alkalinity is crazy low so this helps stabilize my ph at 6.8
Well if i cant keep 1 green terror 2 oscars are out of the question. They get to 12 to 14 inches and cause mass bioload. And ok well i think ive ruled out discus for this tank. Maybe angels. I think im gonna start a new thread on N. Bicardi so if u guys will post it would be much appreciated! Thanks for all the input!
Jesselav1233 said:
What about oscars theyre pretty cool looking u might get a pair to live together that would be cool in a 55 gal

Yeah having 2 fish that are 14-16" in a tank that's 4' long and 1' deep would be awesome! :/

Anyways... It took my RD a year to reach his size now. I don't recommend fish based on "i will be upgrading" if you don't have the means to keep them, don't.

But in the end you are gonna do what you wanna do with your tank. You seem set on a GT so you will most likely have a year before you will have to upgrade.

As far as bichirs, senagal's are the most active IMO. Mine is all over the tank all the time any time of the day. I have the means to house other species of them, but chose not to due to the lack of movement by them.
Wow just realized i put Bicardi.. How about N. Brichardi ;) and i am not completely set on anything. Like i was trying to say i am going to look in more on N. Brichardi because i really have never seen them. And thanks again for the posts. I agree with the idea u should only get what u can house for a lifetime and therefore am starting to think green terror might not be the best idea. Any other tank ideas (preferably semi-aggressive) are much appreciated!

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