55 Transformation

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Bought some plants today. I have a list of everything, but I'm not 100% sure what's what. Here's the list:l
rotala nogeshan
dwarf baby tears
ozelot red
crypt. red vendti
java fern,
water sprite

The only ones I got mixed up are the oidella, rotala (far left I think), and the ozelot. One of them is the sword on the far left. I decided for that one instead of the amazon sword because it stays lower to the ground and grows denser. Still need some hair grass and some tall colored plants. Cant wait for it to all grow in. Let me know what you think!

I need some stocking advice. I want to get some cories, probably 8. What is the most active kind? I want to hear of your preferences.

I also want to get 6 angelfish, they will be dime size from ANGELMANIA, because he is only 2 hours from me and he said he can ship them for less than the cost of gas. I will try to get these pictures up. I was thinking of 2 of each variety. I like the blue marble veil fin, blue pinoy veil widefin, and the blue platinums. He has the marbles right now, and he will have the pinoys in about a month. He said he doesn't know when he will have the platinums. Should I just get 6 marble, or wait for 3 marble and 3 pinoy, or finally wait and see if the platinums ever come around so I can have 2/2/2?

*Sorry if the pictures are small


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6 angels would probably be pushing it in a 55g, especially when they begin to mate. It might be a better bet to just stick with a single pair and add other schooling fish around them.
6 angels would probably be pushing it in a 55g, especially when they begin to mate. It might be a better bet to just stick with a single pair and add other schooling fish around them.

I thought if I get them dime sized, I'd be alright. Then I'd have 8 months to a year to rehome a few of them. I don't plan on keeping them all long term, but ultimately I'd like to have 2-4. What variety do you like best?
Well the platinums are out for a while I guess. Maybe I will get all marbles and then I won't have any mix matches when they pair up.
Hi all, I'm trying to order my ferts tonight any in the process, I figured I could get little bottles to hold my doses, just so that I can pre-dose and make it go quickly. Should I get the 10ml bottles or 15ml?
Scratch that, I think I found a better solution. Those little white paper containers that you can put ketchup or whatever in at burger joints are 1/2 oz also known as 15ml. Then those bigger clear cups that have lids are 2 oz. I think I will just grap a few of those half oz things and use those to measure than fill the rest of those 2 oz containers will tank water. I think I'm on to something!
I did order the PPS Pro package from GLA and I think it includes 2 of those. I also ordered an extra per Rivercats recommendation. They allow you to actually measure out the dose? That's great! But I will also need something to measure out the glut.
I did order the PPS Pro package from GLA and I think it includes 2 of those. I also ordered an extra per Rivercats recommendation. They allow you to actually measure out the dose? That's great! But I will also need something to measure out the glut.

I think lots of people just use a syringe. I personally ordered an extra GLA bottle to use for Glut as well.
Watch storing Glut in a bottle that light can penetrate. The light will break your Glut down and render it useless. I have a 100ml syringe, I measure how much goes in each tank with it, put that amount in a 3 ounce solo Dixie cup (since they are plastic) and then since you can see the shadow of the solution through it, I make the level with a permanent marker, and then I just fill the Dixie cup on each tank to it's marked level each day to dose.
Not very many people need to dose a gallon of glut every day tho river :ROFLMAO:

I just mix my glut in an empty API stress coat bottle. The cap measures out as much as I need.
^.^ I'm doing my tank kinda like yours! Angels,Rams and Tetras.. And the odd few of corse =]
Not very many people need to dose a gallon of glut every day tho river :ROFLMAO:

I just mix my glut in an empty API stress coat bottle. The cap measures out as much as I need.

I can't help my big pig tank needs a big drink of Glut Juice every morning...:brows:

I do have smaller tanks and use the same method. That way I don't have to go around and measure for each tank every morning.
^^^^^^ LOL. Yeah I'm going to need your expertise when I try to figure out my doses Rivercats.
The Glut is here! What do I do now?!?!

Do you have an old Excel bottle or one that is completely light blocking opaque? You need one to keep the mixed Glut in as light breaks Glut down. So find a bottle and see how much it holds. Then for example your bottle holds a cup of fluid... you'd mix 1/2 cup of Glut to 1/2 cup of RO or Distilled water. You will always mix a 1:1 ratio or Glut to RO/Distilled water.

The first week dose 1ml Glut per 10g of water. The second week dose 1ml Glut to every 5g of water. If you have higher light you can go up to 1ml Glut to every 2 gallons of water in about 4 weeks. What lighting/bulbs do you have?
Do you have an old Excel bottle or one that is completely light blocking opaque? You need one to keep the mixed Glut in as light breaks Glut down. So find a bottle and see how much it holds. Then for example your bottle holds a cup of fluid... you'd mix 1/2 cup of Glut to 1/2 cup of RO or Distilled water. You will always mix a 1:1 ratio or Glut to RO/Distilled water.

The first week dose 1ml Glut per 10g of water. The second week dose 1ml Glut to every 5g of water. If you have higher light you can go up to 1ml Glut to every 2 gallons of water in about 4 weeks. What lighting/bulbs do you have?

4x54 watt T5 HO with 6700k bulbs. The reflectors are good too. I have 2 bulbs on for 4 hours, off for 2, and on for another 4 hours. The other bulbs are on for 2 hours, off for 4, and on for 2 more hours.

Also, why does it have to be distilled water? Also, I dn't have another gallon jug, but I can probably use an empty OJ jug as long as its been cleaned right? It's white.
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